chapter thirty seven

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"I just got off the phone with, Mom. She agrees, we should be in Jersey," Grayson announced later that night. "He's not doing so great, with the new treatment and all,"

"Okay, yeah, just let me pack a few things," I said robotically, marching to my room. And as soon as I threw a sweatshirt in my bag, we were on a plane.

"Ethan, you need to eat something," Grayson said, offering me a granola bar. I took the granola bar, and let it sit in my lap.

"Ethan, it's going to be okay. Dad's going to be fine. He always has, okay?" he whispered, rubbing my shoulder.

"What if he isn't?" I said weakly.

"He will, Ethan!" Grayson scolded. "Stop thinking like that,"

As we took off, Grayson gripped my hand over the armrest, knowing I was a nervous flyer, no matter how many times we'd done this.

"You should call Emma when we land," Grayson told me.

"I should have called her the second I hung up on her," I corrected regretfully.

"That is true," Grayson admitted.

"Did I make a big mistake?" I asked him wearily.

"You haven't done anything. You two are just... in limbo," Grayson decided. "Whatever the hell that means,"

I chuckled softly, and then forced my head back, attempting to sleep. I spent the entire plane ride with my eyes closed, but mind racing. I shook Grayson awake when we landed and pushed out into the airport. My body was in auto pilot, taking me to the place we usually called an uber, and I dialed Emma's number as I did so.


"Emma, hi, I just landed in Jersey," I stated.

"Good. We can both reset a little," she suggested, sounding less venomous than she had six hours ago.

"Are you home?" I asked her.

"Yes, with Olivia,"

"Damn, I really have to compete with that girl for time with you," I joked.

She giggled. I smiled at the sound.

"Okay, you enjoy your time at home, Ethan, I need to-" she started, wrapping up the call.

"No, wait," I said quickly. "I need to tell you something,"

"What is it?"

"My dad. He relapsed. It's probably better we're here. And we might not be back for a while." I said, letting the weight of those words settle over me like a dark cloud.

"Oh, my God. Ethan. Why didn't you tell me?" Emma breathed.

"I didn't want to freak you out," I said honestly.

"I'm so, so sorry. He seemed so good over Thanksgiving..." she said. "Do you need me?"

"No. Be home. Be with Olivia, she's so good to you." I assured her. "Don't worry about me."

"She's not as good as you, Ethan," Emma said. "Tell Sean I'm thinking of him."

"I will," I told her. Grayson was waving me over to a black Lexus. "I've got to go, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, Ethan, be there for him," she told me. "I'll see you soon."

I climbed in the backseat.

"How'd it go?" Grayson asked.

"Fine. She understands." I said.

"Are you two good then?"

"I don't know. I don't think it's that important anymore."

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sorry this is short. felt like it needed to go up in a timely manner.

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