chapter twenty eight

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"Emma, do you like this one?" Lisa's voice called from a row of trees down. I removed my lips from Ethan's, my head becoming less cloudy. When I pulled away, and his hands left my hips, I was cold. Nonetheless, I jogged to where Lisa was.

"Oh, yes, that one is much better than that really tall one. It's fuller." I commented.

"I was thinking the same thing, it'll look more proportional in the basement, where the ceiling is lower..." she muttered.

"I was just looking at the smaller ones, maybe to go in the boys' room?" I offered.

"Perfect, I'm sure you'll find some that will work," she said.

"As long as Grayson likes them," I say.

"Picky like his Mom." Lisa grins. I walk away, back to Ethan. He begins kissing me again. I obviously respond, running my hands along his jaw.

"You know I love this," I say, breaking away. "But you need to shave."

He rolled his eyes. I had been getting good at indirectly telling him I loved him, like saying that I loved something we did together until I could muster the courage to actually tell him.

"Two more days, Emma. It's not that long," he complains.

"Okay, okay," I giggle. He keeps his hands tucked around my waist, resting at my back, fingers laced together.

He notices the chatter of my teeth. "Cold?" he questioned.

"Yeah," I admit. "I thought a poopy jacket could get me through."

"Not through New Jersey temps," Ethan says, immediately removing his winter coat and tucking it around me. He's left in a sweatshirt and beanie. "Better?"

"Mm-hmm." I hummed, looking up at him and smiling.

"Stop looking at me like that," he said, taking a step back. I smiled harder.

"Stop!!" he squeals, flicking the top of my head, causing me to break our eye contact. I slapped him back, and then he came at my stomach, lifting me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Ethan!" I yelped, pressing my hands into his back. Oh, yes, I was definitely sore. With my hand in a fist, I beat on his back, insisting that he put me down. But instead, he easily sauntered around, hauling me on his broad and muscular shoulders, pretending to inspect the trees. I was choking on my laughter when he finally set me down. I wiped my eyes, which watered whenever I laughed too hard.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I gasped. "That's the first time I've cried from laughter instead of a breakdown in a long time."

"I know," Ethan said, pushing me lightly.

"Thanks for that," I said. "Now let's seriously go get a tree. No funny business. Grayson will complain otherwise."

"I like the funny business," Ethan said shyly, taking my hand once again. 

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cute and short :)

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