chapter forty six

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 To say Ethan was totally relaxed was an understatement. He was so incredibly unbothered it confused me. He had a right to it, though, for sure. He had pre-filmed with Jeffree Star, Kian and Jc, and more, so they were set with videos for a week. I complained about how I didn't know what I was going to put up next week. He suggested the film he was making on our trip.

"Ha, ha." I said sullenly.

"I'm serious, maybe you could upload it," he said, "Not right now, obviously, but maybe eventually."

"I hope so," I said wistfully.

The rest of our vacation was spent on the beach, and in the hot tub, or lying in bed until 11 o'clock every morning, memorizing each aspect of the other's face. I wasn't excited to go back home, but I needed to snap back into reality. Grayson and Ethan's video was going up tomorrow, and it was crucial that they started off in the right direction.

As expected, the feedback on the video was all positive, and it put them both in a very good mood. They were posting more than ever on social media, and Grayson stopped working out so vehemently. They were emerging from this particular crappy season of life.

When I awoke the second to last day in Huntington Beach, I smelled pancakes. Of course. Ethan was turning himself into the cook and had an unhealthy habit of constantly saying 'wife me up!' any time he did something noteworthy.

Before even sitting up and getting to my feet, I was instantly nauseous. I slapped a hand over my mouth and lurched towards the bathroom, throwing myself down and leaning over the toilet. I dry heaved, then emptied my stomach of the Mexican food we had ordered in last night.

"Emma? Emma! Are you alright?" I heard Ethan from the door of the bathroom.

"Don't come in," I groaned, sitting back against the tub. "I just threw up,"

"Emma..." Ethan grumbled. "I'm coming in,"

The door swung open, and Ethan was crouched down next to me in an instant. I opened sleepy eyes and let them focus on his face. His forehead was creased in concern. Suddenly, I felt another wave of sickness hit me, and I weakly pushed Ethan out of the way, coughing into the toilet once again.

Ethan held my hair back and rubbed my shoulders soothingly. I shuddered as my stomach purged itself.

"Oh, baby..." Ethan whispered. "Here, water," he said, shoving a glass towards me. I drank and swished gratefully, spitting it into the toilet and flushing.

"What do you think happened? Are you sick?" he questioned, brushing my hair away.

"I think it might be food pois-" I began, before being interrupted.

"Oh, my god! Are you pregnant?" Ethan exclaimed, "We used a condom! Didn't we?"

"I'm not pregnant," I reasoned. "I couldn't be. I'm on birth control."

"Are you sure? Do you have it with you?" Ethan said frantically. "Should I go buy a test?"

"No, no, Ethan, relax," I said, "Just let me...freshen up, and take a shower," I said.

"Let me help you. Would a bath be better?" he asked, helping me up and tugging off my shirt-or, rather his shirt, that I had ended up in.

"No, let me just shower, I'll be fine," I said.

"Whatever you say, Em," Ethan said unsurely. "I'll get you some toast, okay? Yell if you need something,"

He left, leaving me to turn on the water, and when I finished getting undressed, I noticed something.

"Ethan!" I yelled. I heard him thunder to the door.

"What? What is it?" he asked.

"I got my period early. Not pregnant. That's probably why I threw up," I explained, putting it together as I spoke. That was a relief. I often threw up if I had bad cramps on my period, but turns out this time my body went straight to throwing up.

"Okay, okay," Ethan said, obviously relieved.

"Buy tampons for me?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course," Ethan said easily. "Be back in twenty,"

Ethan's POV

How the hell were there so many types of one thing, just to stop bleeding from... girl's stuff? I shuffled down the aisle awkwardly since I'd never had to buy tampons for a girlfriend, or anyone for that matter. I desperately tried to remember the boxes that were in all the bathrooms at home in New Jersey for my sister and mother when we lived there.

I didn't know, so I just picked up one I'd thought I'd seen on TV. A last-minute purchase of chocolate at the register ended my adventure, and I was heading back to Emma. I walked in the beach house to find her eating the bland toast I left out.

"Feel better?" I asked. She nodded earnestly.

"Tampons and chocolate, from yours truly," I mentioned, placing them on the table in front of her.

"Thanks, babe, you make getting my period a special occasion," She teased. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I threw up an hour ago," she said. I settled for planting a kiss on her forehead instead. 

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