i love you part two

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Ethan, every night, when he closed his eyes, all the reasons he loved Emma crossed his mind, like little fireflies zipping around in his head. He loved the way her mouth hung open slightly when she looked up at him, confused. He loved the exasperated sounds she made when she couldn't get an edit to look the way she wanted. He loved the way that she rolled haphazardly on top of him when they slept in the same bed. Or the way she slid her legs along his before they went to bed. He loved the way that her feet lifted off the ground when he wrapped her in a hug.

    He hated how she cried into her pillow at night, but loved how in the morning she put her hair up and defiantly said: "fuck 'em". She loved how she ate her food so slowly because he did too. He loved the way she got along with Cameron, but more than anything, he loved her for never changing.

    And he was going to tell her. Tonight.

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