chapter fifty one

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 It had been exactly two months after that when Ethan contacted me again. We had both essentially ghosted each other, accidentally. We kept liking each other's instagram posts, but we hadn't hung out one on one in a long time. Neither of us could breach the topic of breaking up. If we had or hadn't. If we would or wouldn't. Our business lives picked up, and we were both trying to keep up with ourselves and weren't worrying about the counterpart.

So it was weird when I got a notification from him on my phone one afternoon and got butterflies like an eighth grader. I picked it up; 'Coachella this weekend. You excited?'

I didn't open it for ten minutes, acting like how it was when we first started dating. I finally replied 'So excited. Shopping for out fits right now :)'

'Grayson and are shopping for each other for a video tomorrow. He's going to fuck up my Day 1 outfit.'

'Well maybe I'll see you there'

'Sounds good. Meet up later for Diplo?'

I didn't even look at the schedule or ask Amanda and Ellie what our plans were for Friday night before responding.

'I'll be there'

Fast forward to Coachella on Friday, I was feeling iffy about my top, but I loved my pants and matching with everyone in pink made me really happy for some reason. We got in and of course satisfied our Kacey needs, but then there was a lull in performances and I started getting nervous to see the twins. I hadn't contacted James at all. I had talked to Bryant about meeting up because he was busy bouncing between Dote girls and the twins like nobody's business. You could tell he was happy that at least two of his friend groups were going to be in the same place for once.

I had briefly explained the situation to Olivia and Amanda, and they were both giving each other strange looks that I didn't even want to try and understand. Eventually, 11PM rolled around and we made our way to the main stage, fashionably late. I spotted Ethan immediately, but he turned and waved. His eyes were gleaming with excitement against the dark sky, and his mouth curved into a friendly smirk. I waved back and picked up the pace. We squeezed in next to them, about ¼ into the thick of the crowd.

"Emma! What's up guys?" Bryant yelled. Grayson looked over and smiled. I smiled back at him. Ethan quickly scooped me into a sidearm hug, releasing me quickly.

"Good to see you!" he said loudly. "It's been a while,"

"Ditto," I said. "Nice pants!"

"Shut up," he laughed, glancing down at the blue Louis Vuitton pair that I had worn in Paris. "Grayson picked them!"

"He has good taste!" I retorted. Talking to him after not seeing him for a while was refreshing, and it felt natural. Amanda, Olivia, and Josie were grinning at me a step back. I motioned them to come forward.

A column of fire exploded from the stage, and we all cheered into the stuffy, gleaming night air.

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sorry it's short lol

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