chapter fifty five

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After fending off several moves from the tan boy getting dressed across from me, and only allowing playful messing around, we were getting things together to leave for the beach. Ethan had stayed at my place, so he just took his bag, and patiently waited as I scrambled around the house.

"What else do you need?" he asked incredulously, eyeing my pile by the door.

"Towels? I think there's some in the closet," I informed him.

I ran around in denim cutoffs, and an old red and white striped top. The bottoms were... more than cheeky. Sunscreen, sunglasses, speaker, change of clothes... what else?

"Are you going to wear a shirt?" Ethan asked.

"Umm, I wasn't planning on it," I said. "Why?"

"Just wondering," he said. "I'm driving,"

"Okay, let me get a water bottle and we'll go. Do you want one?" I asked. He nodded.

I filled my hydroflask and found an old Camelbak for Ethan.

"Ready?" he asked, taking the water.

"Ready," I confirmed. And with that, we left my apartment, locking it and heading to the jeep.

A few hours later, we arrived in Laguna, after meeting up with Grayson and Bryant. Bryant had a boat waiting for us, and we parked and climbed in, heading out into the blue water. I was pressed tightly to Ethan's side, his arm draped casually around me. When we stopped, I began spreading my towel out near the front of the boat.

"You're not jumping in?" Ethan questioned.

"Later," I decided.

"Whatever," Ethan shrugged, proceeding to flip off the front of the boat.

"Ethan! Be careful!" I yelled, leaning over the side.

Grayson and Bryant laughed behind me. "He's fine!" they assured me. Ethan's head resurfaced and he cackled at my expression. I flipped him off and laid down to tan.

Half an hour later, there was poking at my leg.

"Get in with me," Ethan insisted. "You're burnt,"

"Am not," I insisted.

"But if you were, would you get in?" Ethan prompted.

"Oh, my god," I finally conceded, getting to my feet.

"Yes!" Ethan celebrated, handing me a circular tube.

"When did you blow these up?" I asked, gesturing to his.

"You fell asleep. We're closer to shore now, too," he explained. "Come on,"

"You go first," I insisted. Ethan half smiled and jumped off the side of the boat. I followed, holding tight to the tube. The water was cold, but the sun on my shoulders made up for it.

"See? It's nice," Ethan said.

"Yeah, you were right," I said, rolling my eyes. I squinted at him as he brushed his wet hair from his face.

"Please don't stay in Jersey too long," I said softly.

"Emma, I think this trip is going to be a long one, I told you that," Ethan said. "Cam is coming home too,"

"I know. I'll just miss you," I said pathetically.

"Why don't you visit your mom?" Ethan suggested.

"They usually come to me," I admitted. He laughed.

"It won't be that long, just a week," he assured me.

"That's forever!" I complained. He splashed me, and I spit salt water.

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