chapter twelve

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"Hmm?" he responded. I looked up and noticed his eyes were closed, a content looks on his face. Maybe now wasn't the best time.

At my words, however, Grayson exited the bathtub, trying to be casual. I smiled in spite of myself. No better time than now. I shifted myself so I sat cross-legged on the ledge, facing him.

"Ethan," I coaxed him awake, taking his hands. "Hey,"

"Yeah? Everything okay?" he asked, sitting at attention, alerted by my strange movements. His eyes searched mine, concerned.

"All good," I assured him. "I wanted to tell you that I thought about it, and I really want there to be an 'us'."

Ethan didn't say anything, but his lips parted and broke into a smile. His hands squeezed mine. "Are you really sure?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." I giggled. Almost immediately after the words left my lips, he had effortlessly smothered me with his body, hands naturally gripping my waist. Suddenly, his warm lips were on mine. I'd only kissed a small number of boys, and this was nothing like I'd ever experienced. It wasn't just a kiss, it felt like a hunger that couldn't be satisfied. Without thinking, I worked my fingers in his damp hair, pulling him closer to me.

I loved how one of his arms wrapped around my entire waist, and how his large hands gripped my thighs, and how his defined torso pressed against me. Suddenly, he shifted me on top of his lap.

"Is this okay?" he huffed.

"Yeah." I gasped back, kissing along his jaw and teething at the sharp bone. "But let's just not. Tonight, at least."

"Okay, yeah. Okay." Ethan agreed. I slowly slid off his lap, so my legs were across his, and I could lean my head on his soft chest again. He pressed his lips against the top my head, right at my hairline.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," Ethan said against my hair.

"You seemed prepared. And experienced." I admitted with a smile.

"You just wait, Emma," he promised me. And this time, it was my turn to go red and swallow hard.

"Should we go to bed?" I asked him, feeling my eyelids droop involuntarily.

"And face Grayson and James, while we look like this?" Ethan reminded me. I looked up at him. His hair was in disarray, and his lips were pink and swollen.

"True." I snorted.

"You look the same," Ethan informed. "I don't know, Emma. I don't know how you do it. You make me...insane."

"Stop," I said. "I don't like it when you get like this."

"Fine." Ethan conceded. "You can go to sleep. I won't let you drown."

"I don't trust you. You fall asleep faster than I do." I reasoned.

"Bet," he smirked. "I hardly slept last night."

"Why?" I questioned, confused.

"I made a move on you!" Ethan confessed. I remembered his arm snaking around me.

"We literally do that every night, E," I said, somewhat shyly.

"It's different now." Ethan insisted. He glanced down at himself. "Wayyyy different."

"Ew, shut up." I cringed.

"It lasted all night, I'm not kidding." Ethan elaborated.

"Alright, that's enough," I said, cutting him off. "You wanna kiss some more?" he asked me. I threw my head back in laughter, but Ethan caught me, immediately latching onto the skin on my neck I exposed. This was going to be interesting.

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