chapter twenty four

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It was over fro-yo, per usual, when Ethan asked me.

"Wanna come down to Jersey with me for Thanksgiving? Meet my family and stuff?" he asked me, mouth full of vanilla ice cream. I almost choked on a chocolate chip.

"Jersey?" I asked, knowing how dear Ethan's hometown was to him.

"That's what I said," Ethan said confidently, leaning back in his seat. "You want to?"

"I would love to, Ethan, but is it too soon?" I wondered.

"I just met your mom a week ago. What do you mean?" Ethan questioned.

"That was different. It was kind of an emergency. And we had Grayson." I reasoned.

"No, it isn't." Ethan insisted. "Your mom was there. We were there. We met."

"It's a family holiday, Ethan." I persisted. "Besides, my family never really did Thanksgiving so I wouldn't even know what to do-"

"That's an even better reason to celebrate with us! Dolans go all out for Thanksgiving. Straight feasting, Em." he prompted me.

"That's what I'm scared of," I giggled.

"Why?" he said suddenly, smiling at my irrational fear, but then leaning forward, genuinely concerned.

"I don't know Ethan, I'm just, like, not your family so I don't think it would be..." I started shyly. He cocked his head in confusion. Then tilted his head down, placed his hands on my knees, and looked up at me again.

"Emma Chamberlain. You're my girlfriend. And no, you're not my family, but we have grown closer and gone through so much together, that I consider you a major part of me. And I want that part of me at my family's Thanksgiving. Please." he told me.

"Okay, whatever, sure." I conceded.

"Yes! You're excited, aren't you? It'll be great, don't be nervous." Ethan assured me, all in one breath.

"When do you want to leave, then?" I asked, knowing Thanksgiving was coming up fast.

"Usually we overnight it. Tuesday, after we upload the video." Ethan decided.

"A red-eye?" I groaned. "How long is the flight?"

"Around 6 hours. But time change puts us at 4." Ethan explained. "I've never gotten used to it."

"Okay. I'll have to tell my mom why I won't be in San Fran over Thanksgiving." I said slowly. "She won't mind though. We were just there."

"I'll book the tickets. Pack your bags, Emma Chamberlain, we're leaving again," he said humorously. I stood up, kissed his cheek, and then drove off, already running through the clothes I needed to pack.

That Tuesday morning, he texted me. "Remember it's cold in jersey"

I just giggled, looking at my full suitcase of sweaters and jeans. I was about to call an Uber to the airport. Punching in my address, I cleaned up the rest of my apartment. Coffee mug in the dishwasher, start it, take out my laundry, shut off the lights.

My mom was upset, but not as upset as my dad was. I hadn't seen him in a month, because my traveling had cut into our regularly scheduled Maine trip. Instead, I went to the Bahamas and modeled for Hollister. He was excited for me of course, but I missed him too.

The uber honked in my front drive. I exited my apartment, pulling on my pink backpack with my laptop, chargers, and keys. I was going to try and post from New Jersey, but if not, two weeks without a video would be nothing new to my subscribers.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked the uber driver casually.

"Where're you headed? Out for the holidays?" he asked. I nodded.

"My boyfriend's hometown," I said. The word 'boyfriend' felt weird rolling off my tongue.

"Ah, big steps?" he teased.

"I guess so." I sighed, leaning back. The ride was silent from there to the airport.

"Thank you," I said, climbing out of the backseat and grabbing my suitcase. I saw the twins and greeted them with a hug each. We had to rush because their fans could scope us out in seconds. Through minimal security we went, me rushing to get a coffee, at which Grayson rolled his eyes.

And then I was curled up against Ethan's side, ready to take off and sleep through the 6-hour flight.

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sorry that was a filler, i just wanted something to post on thanksgiving

lmk what you think/want to happen with emma and ethan, 

i'm interested in what you guys think!! :)

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