chapter fifty seven

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Oh, shit," Ethan mumbled from behind me. "Hand me the water,"
We were walking out of a soul cycle class two weeks after the Louis Vuitton event and met with and unforgiving sight.
He had spotted the cameras and a man with a microphone immediately, looking past some fans. We ambled over to the fans, took a few pictures, but the HollywoodFix had finally caught us. Barely surviving and tiptoeing around the press was not our forte, and the whole conversation was laced with awkwardness.
And of course, it was all people could talk about for weeks.

The next few months were rocky once more. The pressure of being in a secret relationship was too much for Ethan and I. It showed in Ethan first, believe it or not.
He didn't have the energy to go out, and didn't find the thrill in risking "getting caught" like he once did. No more wearing each other's clothes in public. No being seen in public. To the outside, we had drifted as friends. Internally, we basically had. We never had huge blow out fights, but we're mutually exhausted from the stress. We decided to take a break.
With no one's arms around me at night, I searched for a rebound. And I found such in Aaron Hull. He was cute enough, and we had a few things in common. I liked learning to penny board with him, and he made me feel appreciated and free. We dropped hints that were painfully obvious. Commenting hearts on instagram posts, dropping verbal clues, being seen together, wearing each other's clothes and being in each other's picture. Although that relationship came to an end quickly, the freedom of having a relationship not so dependent on being secret was liberating. It made me question why Ethan and I had been hiding it in the first place.
So when I got a text from Ethan in March of 2020, it floored me.

Hi, emma. Just checking in. we just got to jersey and ive been thinking of my dad, which made me think of you. he really liked u the few times u met. hope you're staying safe and healthy

Probably the longest text Ethan had sent to me to date, even during our relationship. It shocked me so much that I didn't respond for a full two days. It didn't feel like two days of course, because my days were spent in bed and blended together during quarantine. It felt more like an hour. I waited so long that another text showed up in my phone.

This isnt a booty call or anything if that's what ur thinking. Haha

i have a girlfriend

A girlfriend?! So Ethan was slower to get going but get going he did. I snapped to my senses and typed quickly.

thanks for checking in! all healthy over here.

sorry it took so long for me to get back to u. been sorting out business stuff

i enjoyed your dad a lot ethan. he was so kind to me. i also really enjoyed your documentary. he was an incredible father to you and grayson

take care. congrats on the gf :)

It took him minutes to respond. Like usual.

I don't know why i said i had a gf

I giggled to myself

i don't know why either

And our friendship slowly came back. We started snapchatting again, which I felt was so juvenile, but also so refreshing to see his stupid faces every hour. I didn't tell Olivia or Amanda. There was simply nothing to tell.

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hope you are all staying healthy and safe
wash your hands!
hopefully this brings you a little something to do in this crazy time.
also sorry i can't finish a story in a respectable amount of time <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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