chapter fifty two

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 If day one of Coachella wasn't satisfactory, day two most definitely was. I was up around eleven in the morning, later than yesterday, and I hurried to shower. I didn't have to deal with crimpy and hair-sprayed locks like last year since I had just left it down for the day. I furiously scrubbed at my skin, noticing the fake spray tan give way to a real glow. Today was by far my favorite outfit, and I already had ideas of what pictures I wanted to take with Josie while she was around. At one, I ate a quick breakfast and made everyone in the house coffee. We were putting on outfits around two.

"This is like getting ready for weddings," Olivia said thoughtfully. "You pregame with coffee and mimosas, and only eat ice cubes before putting dresses on."

Amanda laughed, flipping on her vlog camera.

"What was that, Olivia?" she prompted.

Ethan's POV

"Should I ask them to hang out with us today? Is that okay?" I asked Grayson, who was destroying a plate of eggs as fast as he could, as we were running late. Bryant had also woken up late, and was scrambling to find everything he wanted to bring to film and take photos.

"I don't care," Grayson said through a full mouth. His voice was dull.

"It kind of sounds like you do," I shot back.

"I think you probably should have figured out you two before Coachella," Grayson informed me. "Because now you're just rushing and scrambling and we're with her other friends and stuff,"

"You think it's awkward?" I asked.

"No...I just think it's unorganized," he corrected.

"When have I ever been organized?" I asked jokingly, "Or Emma?"

Grayson nodded, "It's definitely your style, E. And hers, I guess,"

"So I should ask to meet up?" I reiterated. "Maybe I'll just ask her,"

"Sounds good, but can we leave them when we go to Cudi?" Grayson asked softly.

"Of course, yeah. I don't think they like him anyway," I assured him, knowing that Kid Cudi was very close to Grayson's heart, as well as mine.

"Ready?" Bryant called from upstairs, grabbing his backpack full of polaroids.

"Let's gooooooo," Grayson yelled. I laughed, slapping a hand over his mouth.

"There's other people here!" I whispered, laughing.

As Grayson found an Uber, I drafted a text to Emma, inviting her to hang with us for the day.

Emma's POV

"He wants me to walk around with them today?" I announced quietly as we were lined up in front of the mirror, putting makeup on.

"Emma! Really?" Amanda exclaimed.

"Are you getting back together?!" Olivia yelped.

"I don't know, I don't know," I said. "But I liked being with him yesterday. It was like summer."

"I think you should," Josie interjected.

"Yeah, we all think you should," Olivia said. "Go get your mans."

I laughed. "So you'll be okay without me for the day?"

"Of course," Amanda assured me.

"Okay, I'll tell him I will." I said giddily, tapping out a reply. "I'm so excited!"

"Awwww," Josie cooed.

"I'm telling him that we all have to meet up for tame, okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we have to see that together," Olivia said.

Around ten, or a little later, we were all smashed up next to each other, awaiting Tame Impala. Ethan looked like a little kid, grinning and grinning, flinching every time there was a sound, and craning his neck to look for a person to emerge. I tapped his arm and shook my head everytime. My hair had gotten a little tangled, and my pants were starting to itch, but I was so excited that I didn't even notice.

Finally, it started, and I observed Bryant filming the twins and I separately, and I knew everyone would know that we were together. They'd lose their shit, of course.

They opener was upbeat, then their new song, Patience, and then there was a lull in music where everyone disappeared. I looked around, ready for it to begin again, when a strong arm pulled me close. There was an array of bracelets on the tanned arm, and the body I was pressed up against was familiar, and I seemed to fit perfectly against him. Ethan.

Patience ended, and the lights went up a bit, and I could see the profile of Emma's face, humming to the music, looking around curiously. Her mouth was parted, and she leaned over to whisper in Olivia's ear, making her laugh. Her hair was a chocolate sheet against her back, and her slight shoulders looked so small against the large people around her. Impulsively, I reached forward and scooped her up, pressing her against me. Her hands wrapped around my arm and she looked up at me, surprised.

"What do you want, dumbass?" she smiled playfully.

"Can you see?" I asked. "Are you okay over there?"

"I can see through the shoulder windows of the two guys in front of me!" she said.

"Well, don't get too close," I said. "How about this?"

And I hoisted her from the waist, lifting her up over the sea of heads. She let out a small scream of surprise, and looked around. I let her down.

"I don't see them!" she insisted. "Hopefully the break doesn't last long!"

And just as she said that, they emerged once again. I let out a yell, and as they began playing a slower tune, I tightened my grip around Emma's waist, and let her lean back into me. We swayed slowly back and forth, my chin settled on the top of her head. When the music picked up, I gently pushed her away, spinning her in a circle.

Grayson tapped my shoulder. "Cudi in ten minutes,"

"I have to go," i whispered in Emma's ear. She nodded, patting my chest.

"Have fun and be careful," she said. "Text me when you leave," "I will," I said, and I turned away, following Grayson out of the crowd. 

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