chapter fifty four

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"If you look at my paper one more time, I'm suing." I threatened, grinning at Ethan sitting to the right of me. I was working relentlessly at an Algebra 2 test before the camera.

"I'm not!" he insisted.

"Liar!" I exclaimed. "Then stop looking at me!"

There was a beat of silence before he chuckled and leaned closer to me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Ethan!" I yelped. "You're just making more editing for me,"

"Just leave it, then," he said smirking. Grayson scoffed next to me.

"I'm done," Grayson said with finality, stacking his papers noisily. "I'll go first."

I looked over at Ethan, giving him a warning look. He had been extra flirty all day long, and colder and more condescending to Grayson. The dynamic was colorful, for sure.


I was leaning up against Ethan in my bed, my laptop on my crossed legs. It was a shockingly early 9AM, before we had to leave on a day trip to the beach with Bryant and Grayson. I let the clip play a few times, adding a few things and shortening the silent space.

"'Just leave it, then'," repeated over and over.

"My offer still stands," Ethan reminded me, poking my side and putting his phone down.

"Shut up," I giggled, but really wishing I could. And just stop worrying about the whole situation and being careful, and not posting at certain times, and acting a certain way on camera. It was all just exhausting. I let out a huge sigh and slumped against Ethan's chest.

"Can you just edit for me?" I complained.

"Hire an editor," Ethan replied.

"You know I can't do that," I said despairingly.

"I don't know how Grayson and I edited and filmed our videos before. That's probably why they were so short because we literally didn't have time," Ethan said thoughtfully. "Now we have someone to film and edit. All we do is stupid shit, and make sure we're in the frame,"

"Lazy," I teased.

"You sound like Grayson," Ethan said, rolling his eyes.

"And here I am, using the beats James got me..." I contemplated. "Am I fake?"

"That was a few weeks ago, we just need to let it go," Ethan decided. "The piano and bench are still in his house."

I cackled, the thought was so ridiculous to me.

"Okay, but what if-" I started, beginning to overthink.

"Can you, like, shut up? For five seconds?" Ethan asked snappily. My jaw dropped at the attitude he was giving me until he grabbed my chin, pulling my face to him. He kissed me hard, and an embarrassing sound left my mouth. The kiss intensified, enough for me to turn at my waist towards him, and his hands to find my hips.

"Shit, the fucking-" Ethan huffed, slamming my laptop shut and sliding the beats off my head. I was on my back under him, but not for long, because his arm was circled around my waist, and pulled me up flush against him.

"We don't have time, Ethan, we have to get ready and leave soon," I gasped, trying to disentangle myself from him.

"Please, Emma," Ethan mumbled, kissing my neck more vivaciously now.

"Is that begging? From Ethan Dolan?" I teased, pushing at his firm chest.

"No," he said shyly. "Fine, whatever,"

I began to put my laptop and headphones away, gathering myself and making a mental list of the things I needed to do before leaving for the beach.

"Hey..." I prompted the pouting boy at the edge of my bed, "Shower with me?"

"Yeah, okay," Ethan grinned, chasing me to the bathroom. 

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sorry for being a sporadic updater :/

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