chapter fifteen

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Two weeks before Halloween, We were in James' new house, filming and filming and filming and filming. It was 2 AM, and I had on a full face of makeup, and I never hated anything more.

"My. Face. ITCHES." Ethan growled, pacing around James' living room.

"Shut up!" James yelled from the studio in the hallway. "I'm filming!"

"Chill out, Ethan," Grayson said tiredly, slumped over on the couch.

"Don't fuckin' tell me to chill out I can feel pimples popping out all over my skin," Ethan said harshly.

"Ethan!" I laughed. "But same."

"I'm tired, Emma!" he insisted.

"Me, too. I want to sleep." I admitted, also acknowledging the stick feeling of my lower cheeks. Ethan squints his eyes, considering it.

"James!" he yells.

"What?!" James yells back, clearly annoyed.

"How long does it take for you to do your makeup?" Ethan asked.

"Two-ish hours," James replied.

"I'm taking a nap. I don't care." I decided, upon hearing his answer. I immediately started walking to his bed.

"What if we get makeup on it?" Ethan asked worriedly, following close behind me.

"We won't." I decided. I flopped on the bed and sighed.
"Here, lie like this," Ethan said, gently lowering himself onto his back.

I nodded, lying next to him, flat on my back. My eyes were closed for about two minutes until I whispered.

"I can't sleep on my back, E," I said in spite of myself.

"C'mere," Ethan said, lifting his hands from his chest as if he'd expected this.

I gently tucked my arms around his sides and placed my cheek on his chest.

"I'm going to ruin your shirt," I warned him.
"I don't care," he said peacefully, letting his hands fall comfortably on my waist and lower back. I fell asleep in seconds, wrapped in his warmth.

I felt Grayson's large hand shaking me awake and lazily got up.

"Cute," he said, pretending to throw up.

"Dramatic ass," I muttered.

"Emma, your makeup..." Ethan sighed, gesturing to my cheek. I looked in the mirror that was on James' wall. It was smudged, streaks running towards my ears.

"How did so much come off?" I muttered in disbelief.

"I found it," Grayson announced, pointing to Ethan's shirt.

"Oh," Ethan and I said in unison. There was a circle of white makeup in the center of his chest.

"Jesus, were you guys making out the whole time too?" Grayson teased.

"No!" Ethan exclaimed. "I have black lipstick on, dumbass."

"So does Emma!" Grayson insisted, sitting down on the bench in front of James' camera.

"Let's just finish this," James said, clearly exhausted. We filmed the outro, added a teaser for James' eyeshadow palette that was coming out the Friday after Halloween, and started to disassemble the makeup looks.

"Thank fucking God," Grayson muttered, peeling away the wax that was layered over his cheeks. "You're really talented James, and the makeup is good, but it's so uncomfortable."

"One time I got an allergic reaction from the scar wax tissue," James said nonchalantly. Ethan's eyes widened in the mirror, as he was pulling off the worm of wax off his face.

"What?" he said weakly.

"You baby, I used the lightest stuff for you," James said rolling his eyes. Finally, all of the makeup was off of my face, and I was grabbing my keys.

"I'm leaving. My place tomorrow at two?" I announced.

"At two," James confirmed.

"Drive safe," Ethan called from the bathroom.

And I did, barely making it to my bed before collapsing into a deep sleep.

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