chapter thirty

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Ethan had texted me earlier that morning, telling me he'd call me when he landed. Grayson and him were embarking on their trip around the world meeting fans and they'd be gone for four days. Then we were scheduled to film out Christmas videos right after. So without Ethan and Grayson to hang out with, I immersed myself in editing and hanging out with James. I let myself be a girl for about an hour over coffee with him. He wanted to know everything about Ethan and me, and I did divulge more information than I ever thought I would.

James lapped it up.

But on the second night without seeing Ethan, I tossed and turned in bed. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep, and it was 3 am. Of course, I already told Ethan goodnight, he was on a different time and was surely asleep.

It's only been two days, Emma, get a grip, I thought to myself. But two days was a long time, especially when you have been occupied by the poisonous task of editing. I was simply in an awful mood. Constantly. And when Ethan came over, I instantly felt better, enabling me to finish the video. Indirectly, Ethan was the only reason my channel was still up. My other friends and family as well, of course, but his presence was an instant remedy.

After wrestling with my thoughts for another hour, I pushed my guilt aside and dialed Ethan's number. I set my phone to speaker, placing it on my stomach, and listened.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

"Emma? Hey," Ethan's groggy voice came, slightly staticky.

"Sorry for waking you," I said softly.

"It's fine, what's up? Everything okay?" he asked gently.

"Not really. It's this stupid video..." I continued.

"The apartment tour?" he inquired.

"Yeah," I admitted. "Do you think it's too basic?"

"No," Ethan said confidently.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Ethan confirmed. "Is that all you needed, or do you want to talk about something else?"

"No, it's fine, just go to sleep, I'm sure you have a big day tomorrow." I insisted, feeling the guilt rise in my stomach once more.

"Nah, I'm up already, what is it?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just stressed," I said, picking at the hem of my shirt.

"You're always stressed, Emma." he countered.

"Yeah," I admitted, sighing in defeat. "Okay, I think that's all. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"I'll be back in two days, Emma. Hang in there. We'll go out the second I get back, okay?" he assured me.

"Okay," I said. "Bye."

"Goodnight, Em."

We most definitely did go out the night he came back, because I picked both boys and their cameraman up from the airport, then dropped Grayson and blondie at home. The second they were out of the car, I was on Ethan's lap, smothering him in kisses.

"I missed you so much," I told him, clinging to his broad shoulders.

"Me too, Emma." he giggled. "Why? It was only four days. I've been gone longer."

"I don't know, maybe this week was rough, but it's fine. Now that you're here." I explained.

"Good," Ethan said, grinning and rubbing his hands on my back. "Dinner?"

"You pick," I said. Ethan decided he wanted sushi, and I didn't argue. We talked about my video, and his travels to Arizona and Ohio and more, and I grinned at the way his face lit up when he talked about the fans.

"That must have been so fun," I said dreamily, as we exited to the restaurant, hand in hand.

"It was. Probably my favorite video." Ethan agreed.

"Hey, I realized something," I told him abruptly, just realizing it myself, at the moment.

"What have you realized?" he asked, closing the front door to his jeep.

"That I love you."

We both went quiet after that. I shifted to cross legs in the passenger seat. Ethan was looking straight across until his mouth slowly formed into a smile.

"You mean it?" he chuckled.

"Yeah." I laughed back. "I love you, Ethan Grant Dolan."

"I love you too, Emma Frances Chamberlain," he said back, squeezing my knee. We sat smiling at each other like complete psychopaths.

"God, I hate my middle name," I said, to break the sappy tension.

"Fine," Ethan said, leaning over and pecking my lips. "I love you, Emma Chamberlain."

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sorry i've been a lil mia, i'm seriously lacking ideas

lmk if there's anything you'd like to see me write about

maybe it will get my creative juices flowing ;)

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