chapter thirty eight

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Emma's POV

I was crying before I even saw Ethan come down the escalator. He looked exhausted, in every sense of the word. He was in front of Grayson, who had his blue and grey headphones secured over his ears. Grayson didn't look at me, and that made me hurt for him more. He wore his Northwestern sweatshirt, the one he wore whenever he missed home.

When he stepped off the escalator, I made eye contact with him, with his dull eyes. A beanie was pulled down so low, I only so the ends of his eyebrows. It had been three weeks since I'd seen him, two weeks since Sean had passed away. I engulfed him in a hug, sniffling into his shoulder. His arms were limp around my shoulders, but his eyes were dry.

Flustered, I wiped my eyes and quickly hugged Grayson. He was just as unresponsive as Ethan, if not more.

"Hi," Ethan huffed finally. I took his hand, leading him to out where I had parked my Mercedes. If his hug wasn't responsive, his grip was. His fingers laced through mine so tightly I thought I'd lose circulation. He held on to me as if I was the only thing keeping him anchored to the ground. We were quiet the whole ride home, and when we finally pulled into their driveway, Grayson exited immediately. Ethan stayed for half a beat, and we glanced at each other for a moment.

"I'm going to go to Emma's," Ethan decided.

"Fine, I'm going to work out," Grayson said hollowly.

"Okay," Ethan said, "Don't hurt yourself. Seriously."

"I won't, Ethan," Grayson said venomously. Ethan closed his mouth. I backed out, and took his hand again, unlocking my door and flipping on the light. We stood at the door for a while. I hesitantly looked up at Ethan, and I finally saw a trace of emotion. His eyes were shining slightly.

"Oh, baby..." I muttered, hugging him. He grew limp in my arms, and I stumbled over to the couch, struggling under his dead weight. "I'm so sorry, Ethan,"

He didn't respond, besides a soft sob into my shoulder. I stroked his hair soothingly, shushing and rocking him. He rose after a few minutes, face splotched and streaked with tears.

"I jus- I just can't believe he's gone-" Ethan choked out. I was crying along with him now, my vision blurring.

"Oh, Ethan..." I said softly.

"And I-I feel so bad, so bad he c-couldn't see his g-grandchildren..." Ethan sniffled.

"Ethan, it's not your fault, babe, I swear-" I began, stumbling over my words, not knowing how to comfort the mess that was my boyfriend.

"Or see Cam get married!" Ethan gasped.

"Ethan, he saw so much! He's so proud of you and Cam and Grayson, he loves you!" I insisted. Ethan nodded, rubbing his eyes vigorously.

"Let's just go to bed, yeah?" he mumbled, suddenly composed. He made his way up the stairs, tore his shirt off, as well as his beanie, and climbed into my bed. He was asleep before I turned the light out. I crawled in next to him, brushed the hair away from his forehead and kissed him there.

"I love you," I whispered, before curling into his side.

so heartbreaking for the dolan family. all love and prayers to them. <3

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