i love you part one

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There were so many things that Emma loved about Ethan. She loved his constant energy, and how he was full of ideas and unfinished thoughts. She loved the way his eyes lit up when he had a particularly interesting epiphany. Or when he called her randomly, just to ask her how her day was.

She loved how he would glance at her every once in a while to make sure she was okay. Or when they were watching Friends and he would look over to make sure she laughed at the same time he did. She loved the way he loved his family and the way he treated her like she was a part of his family. She loved that he left little sayings for her on her camera or phone 'hey, I hope you're having a good night and if you need anything, let me know'

She loved how his hand could wrap around her thigh so completely. She loved how broad his shoulders were and how he walked. She loved the way his muscles moved when they worked out together. She loved the way that her stomach lifted when he pressed kisses on her cheek and across her collarbone. She loved the way he made her shiver by whispering in her ear. She loved how he could make her feel safe with just his presence.

But Emma wasn't ready to say she loved him, even though she did. 

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