chapter forty seven

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We made it home from Huntington Beach, and I had taken a few hours at my house to get a video up and get unpacked before making my way to the Dolan's once again. When I got there, I expected Ethan to be waiting, so we could go to dinner with Grayson. I had soul cycle before, with Amanda and Olivia, and I definitely could use a shower.

I called Grayson's name, finding him in the kitchen.

"Where's E?" I asked.

"I don't know, he's been out for a while," Grayson said absently.

"Well, I'm going to shower," I announced. It had become normal, for me to be at their house and them at mine. They each had toothbrushes in my spare bathroom.

"Kay..." Grayson mumbled, stretching out on the couch again. I sauntered into Ethan's bathroom and turned on the speaker. I had grown very accustomed to his bathroom. It had to have been a half hour at least before I emerged back into the kitchen, hair in a bun and sweats on. I riffled through the kitchen, seeing that the avocados I bought them last week were almost gone.

"Gray! Do you want some avocado toast?" I called.

"Sure," he called back, and I began assembling the snack, my stomach rumbling at the thought.

"Here you go, avocado toast for the lazy boy in the back," I teased, setting it down in front of him.

"Thanks, Em," he smiled. "I have been lazy though... Should I try soul cycle instead of lifting at home?"

"You'd break the bike, dumbass. Soul cycle is for cookie cutter LA bitches. And you don't fit the mold," I told him truthfully. He shrugged, biting into the toast.

"Where is Ethan though? Seriously. I haven't seen him and he hasn't texted me back." I said.

"I don't know. He hasn't talked to me in a while either..."

"I can't believe you can't even keep track of your own twin," I said, shaking my head.

Grayson threw up his arms in defense. "Should I call him?"

"Nah, give it a minute," I decided, thinking he probably needed a break from my annoying ass after our weekend. Grayson and I passed the time by talking about the friends he visited while we were gone. The way his face lit up made me positive that taking this vacation was good for all of us.

"Okay, it's been four hours. He should have called at least," Grayson decided, clear worry setting in on his face. He held his phone to his ear. No answer.

"Dammit," he mumbled.

"Let me check his location..." I offered. I scrolled through my phone a bit until, "It says he should"

Suddenly the door burst open, and Ethan came hurtling through. He was slightly hunched over, barreling towards me.

"Hey, I was calling you-" I started, before he ripped his shirt off and harshly ran into me. I felt my pulse quicken, becoming nervous at his erratic behavior. My phone fell to the floor as he cornered me into a wall. My back was flat against the wood wall, and his bare chest pressed hotly against me. Panting, he snatched my hand and pressed it against the base of his neck.

"What do you feel?" he hissed.

"Uh, skin? Your spine?" I guessed frantically. "" I questioned, feeling the familiar wrapping.

"Yes. A tattoo. For my dad." Ethan confirmed. "I can feel him. He's here,"

"Oh," I trailed, locking his eyes. They were dark with seriousness, and before long, he backed away from me and moved to Grayson, who was looking utterly confused.

"You can feel him?" Grayson whispered, eyes slightly glazed. Ethan nodded curtly and pressed Grayson's hand where mine was seconds before. I could make it out now, a beautifully done, intricate crown tattoo, just between his shoulder blades.

Grayson faltered, pressing his and Ethan's foreheads together before hugging him tightly, and I couldn't help but smile in contentedness at the way they were healing together. 

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sorry it was short and weird. timing, yanno?

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