chapter thirty five

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"These are really good," Emma commented in a muffled voice, shoving another small muffin in her mouth.

"Yeah, I can tell you like them," I said pointedly. She giggled, glancing back at the waiters she was so obsessed with. The blindfolds were still on.

"I can't believe they're doing that," she says. "The movie isn't even that good,"

"It's funny because we just watched it," I told her.

"I know," she answers, "We manifested that shit."

I just laughed.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her, noticing the waiter had returned my card.

"Yeah..." she sighed.

"What?" I questioned.

"I just want to stay in here and never face the world again," she said quietly. "I shouldn't have tweeted that thing about people being mean to me. It makes me look weak."

"No, it doesn't, Emma. It makes you look human." I informed her, reaching across the table to hold her hand. She shook me off.

"We can't. Pictures," she explained shortly.

"I don't care," I said firmly, catching her hand as she pulled away. "I love you, and I'm here for you. It doesn't matter what everyone else says. They don't know you like I do."

Emma sniffed.

"Let's get out of here?" I suggested. She nodded.

"Your place or mine?" she asked softly.

"Mine. Closer," I decided. So we left the restaurant, and I drove home. Somewhere along the way, Emma's head found my lap, and it rested there, one of her hands bracing herself against my knee. I ran my fingers through her long hair, surprised it wasn't in a ponytail.

"You left your hair down," I whispered, letting my fingertips ghost over her scalp.

"Wanted to look nice for our date night," she explained, voice small. I furrowed my brow. Usually around nine was when Emma was at her peak of energy. I pulled into the driveway.

"Hey," I said, as she lifted her head off of my leg.

"What?" she asked weakly, slouching back against the passenger seat. I craned my neck to look at her directly. Her cheeks were already splotched, and eyes puffy.

"Baby..." I muttered, running my fingertips over her red cheeks. "Just let go, stop caring," I coached.

"I know, I know," she whispered, pushing my hand away, and wiping her eyes. I leaped out of the car and rushed over to open her door. She started to get out, but the height of my Jeep allowed me to catch her legs and carry her bridal style into the house. She giggled softly, pressing her hand into the center of my chest. I took that as a good sign. I dropped her on the couch and sat down next to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I wondered.

"No, I just feel gross, can I shower?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, of course, all of your stuff is in there. In my shower." I informed her proudly.

"All of my stuff-? What?" she questioned, getting up.

"You've left all of your stuff before, so I just bought little bottles of it," I explained. "Also, use the speaker. Surround sound in the shower."

"That is so cute," Emma said, flouncing over and kissing my cheek. "Thank you,"

"Sure," I said back. If something as small as that made her mood improve that fast, imagine what something else would?

I pulled out my phone, tapping a quick tweet. I had already sorted out the drama with Jc Caylen, that had been another topic Emma and I had discussed all day long, analyzing the best way to respond.

Now I was defending her. If she felt harassed enough to tweet about it, it was my job to back her up. Feeling accomplished, I leaned back against the couch and listened for Emma's muffled music. When I heard the music shut off, I hurried into my room and pressed myself against the door's entrance. Emma's soft hum met my ears when she opened the door and I leaped out.

"ETHAN-!" she screeched. I threw my head back and laughed.

"Jesus, you're going to wake Grayson up!" she hissed.

"Grayson?" I wondered. "Grayson is in Jersey.

"You didn't go with him?" she wondered, setting down her dinner clothes.

"Nope. Wanted to spend a few days with you. And it gives us the house to ourselves." I reasoned, watching her peel off the towel and change into pajamas. Her bare back made my breath hitch.

"Wanna watch Netflix?" she wondered, pulling on a tee shirt. "And your house is so cold, do you have a sweatshirt I can wear?"

"You know where to find them, I'll find something," I said.

"Not birdbox!" she called over her shoulder.

Emma's POV

I dug through Ethan's bottom drawer, pulling out the sweatshirt I wanted. The pink one. "My favorite," I muttered to myself, pulling it on, instantly being consumed in Ethan's scent.

"What did you find?" I called, grabbing my phone and joining him in the living room. Ethan's lack of a TV forced us to watch Netflix on his computer, but I didn't complain. I fell asleep against his shoulder most nights.

"The Office?" Ethan asked.

"Whatever," I said, truly not caring, and wanting to curl up next to him and fall asleep, like, right now. He turned it on, and joined me on the couch, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I aimlessly scrolled through Twitter, coming upon his tweet.

"Ethan..." I reprimanded. "Why'd you tweet this?"

"I felt strongly about it." he reasoned, not even looking down to see the tweet.

"Thank you," I said after a while, deciding I wasn't upset. He continued running his hands through my damp hair.

"I love it when you have your hair down," he whispered, kissing my hairline, working around my jaw. I lifted my chin, coaxing him to my neck. Suddenly, his hands were cupping my face, bringing my lips to his, and I kissed back, hard. I was on his lap in an instant, his hands running up and down my bare thighs. Then, he leaped up, taking me with him, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist. I let out a squeal as he rushed to his bedroom. He tossed me on the couch as I laughed, hungrily crawling over me.

"Love you in my clothes," he said roughly, "but take it off."

I smirked, slowly removing the sweatshirt before he ripped it off and over my head. He continued his attack on my neck, kissing down down down, the valley of my breasts all the way to my belly button. My fingers twirled in his dark brown locks. The light stubble on his cheeks grazed my inner thigh, and he paused.

"This okay?" he wondered.

"Yeah, yes," I whispered back breathlessly. And then my shorts were off, then my underwear. And then his tongue was on me.

"Oh, my god-" I gasped, throwing my head back. I felt like I was floating as he assaulted my clit.

"Ethan, Ethan," I huffed. He hummed, throwing me into another wave of euphoria. Then, he switched positions, tossing my legs up on his shoulders to get a better angle, and gently pushing me down, so I was flat against the bed. Well, not flat for long. As he swirled his tongue, my back arched, and I shattered into a million pieces. I whimpered, pushing him away, then bringing him to my lips to kiss the living hell out of him. I panted in exhaustion as he lied next to me, looking very pleased.

"What about you..." I panted, placing a careful hand on his large arm.

"I'm good," he insisted, "You had a rough day."

"I love you," I said, curling up to his large torso.

"Ditto, Emma."

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