chapter fourteen

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 Emma's POV

Tuesday morning, Ethan called me. I could feel him shaking with nerves through the phone.

"It's 8 in the morning! What are you doing awake?" I asked him.

"Can't sleep, I'm too excited." he giggled.

"You're doing your nervous laugh." I observed out loud. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, I guess," Ethan admitted. "When we did skits no one liked them, and the music video is basically one big skit."

"Sort of," I told him honestly, "But are you proud of the skits?"

"Are you proud of the music video?"


"Then you're golden." I assured him. "I can't wait to see."

"I can't wait for you to see it." Ethan said. "I wish I could watch it with you."

"I know, but I told you, I have meetings. Maybe later tonight? I'll text you." I offered.

"Okay," he says, sighing.

"I'm excitedddd." I told him.

"Me, too. Have fun at your meetings." he responded.

"I'll try, bye."


With that, I decided that I should probably start my day. I slowly inched out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Since it was a meeting day, I had to look presentable. I had meetings three days a week, and switching out presentable clothes was harder than it seemed. At 10, I was ready and out the door for my 10:30 meeting. Just enough time to get coffee.

4 hours later, I was home again, and on the couch to finish editing the Vegas vlog. It would go up way later, along with the boys' hypnotizing video and James' outfits video.

I was sitting on my couch, patiently waiting for Ethan to get to my door. I was nervous about the music video. Nothing like it had been done by any YouTuber, and the feedback could be brutal. I would know.

Finally, the doorbell rang. I skipped and opened it for him, running to the couch.

"Hurry up!" I yelled. He giggled, sauntering after me. I opened up the blanket I was sitting under and he plopped down next to me, pressing in close. He slung an arm around me carelessly, and I snuggled into his side, placing the laptop on one leg each. I had the video queued up.

"I hope you like it," Ethan whispered, as the opening scene began.

"I will." I assured him. I was comically bouncing along to the music, glancing up at Ethan periodically, truly lokong the style of the video. At the end, when the girl leaned in and kissed him, I did feel something in my stomach. I sat silently through the rest of the video.

"So what do you think?" Ethan finally asked.

"It was good! Really good!" I said enthusiastically.

"Are you mad about the kiss?" he said quietly.

"No, of course not." I said quickly, but my voice went up an octave.

"Emma." he said, poking my side. "It was for the storyline. She's a nice girl, but I don't like her."

"Yeah, I know." I said honestly. "When did you film it?"

"Before Vegas." Ethan answered.

"We weren't even a thing then, Ethan." I said matter of fact.

"I still liked you, then." Ethan told me.

"Really?" I said incredulously.

"I liked you for a long time, Emma. And I fought with myself everyday on whether or not to tell you." Ethan admitted.

"Weird." I said.

"Shut up," he chuckled.

"Congratulations, director. I really did like it. I like the 80s vibe." I commented.

"We modeled the girl's outfit from the 80s, but it kind of ended up looking like you." Ethan informed me.

"I would never wear a tube top." I insisted, slightly offended. "That is so rude."

Ethan grinned, then wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his chest. I rested languidly atop him, listening to his heart beat, slow and steady.

"Thank you for supporting me." he whispered.

"Of course. Anytime." I said back.

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