chapter twenty six

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"Really?" he asked incredulously.

    "No, I hardly drink," I replied.

    "I thought so," he said softly. "You don't have to..."

    "No, I like it. A little something late at night is never something I oppose." I smiled. We leaned back, sitting in silence for a while, my legs daintily resting atop his.

    "Who would've thought, a year ago, that I'd be sitting in Ethan Dolan's childhood bathtub drinking wine," I said wistfully.

    "Guest bathroom," he corrected playfully, taking a long sip.


    "It's crazy. Life moves so fast," he said wisely.

    "Keeps us busy," I commented.

    "Yes, it does," Ethan says with a tired laugh. There's another minute of silence. Slowly, I start shifting towards Ethan, and when I do, he comes forward to meet me. Eventually, I'm resting in his lap, his arms wrapped around me and legs intertwined.

    Maybe it's the fact that I'd just drank an entire glass of wine in 20 minutes, but I am keenly aware of the way our bodies are pressed together, and how tiny I feel compared to him. His skin is warm, and I like the way he's trailing his fingers up and down my arms.

    I like it so much that I sigh in content.

    He takes it as a good sign.

    Soon, his lips are trailing along my collarbone and the droplets from his wet hair drip on my chest. I run a hand up his chest and along his cheek, feeling his sharp jawline. I tilt my head back, connecting my lips with his, before completely turning around.

    He almost lunges at me, pulling me between his legs and running his hands up and down my sides as we kiss furiously. His breath is hot on my skin.

    "Let's just, can we...-maybe bed?" he mumbles.

    "Yeah, yes," I say breathlessly, standing up in the hot water. I laugh as he unplugs the drain to the bathtub, and he grins at me. Grabbing a towel and tossing it to me, he stops to press a kiss to my forehead. The slight gesture turns my cheeks pink.

    "You're adorable, you know that?" Ethan whispers into my neck. I playfully push him away and we rush to the bedroom, frantically locking the door. Before I know it, Ethan tucks his arm under my back and is lowering me on to the bed. Moving to the bed turns out to be a good idea because now we can discard our clothes. I feel around his chest, noticing how hard the muscle is under his soft skin. His hands nonchalantly glide along my thighs and stomach, inching closer to between my legs. I palm him through his underwear, getting him to moan softly into the kiss we were sharing.

    And suddenly, with a surge of desire, I slip my fingers around his waistband and coax his boxers off. He does the same to my underwear, and then I jolt to my senses, previously overcome by lightheadedness, push on his shoulder.

    His lips remove from mine with a small suction sound. "What? Is this okay?"

    "Yes, so okay, I just-do you have a condom?" I breathed.

    "Oh, yeah, you're right," Ethan says, crawling off the bed and fumbling for his wallet. The sight of his bare ass made the tension diffuse, and I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle.

    "Here, okay," Ethan says hurriedly, then turns around, eyes scanning my body. His eyes are blown wide, pupils dark. "Emma, fuck, you're... incredible."

    His rough voice makes me blush harder.

    "You're not too bad yourself, E." I say, ignoring the shake in my voice. He smirks, diving back at me, continuing to abuse my lips. As we make out, somehow his finger slips between my legs and he's rubbing circles around my clit. It's a new feeling, and I gasp slightly.

    "Ethan," I whisper.

    "Feels good?" he says gruffly, nipping my earlobe.

    "Yes, but can you please-"

    "Are you ready for this?" he whispers gently, kissing my knuckles wearily.

    "Yes," I respond confidently.

    "I'll be gentle. It'll hurt a little, but if it hurts more than a little, tell me," he informs me quickly. "I won't hurt you."

    "Okay." I say, and then, to convey my feelings, I add "I trust you, Ethan."

    And with that, he gently lies on top of me and enters me for the first time. It's strange, and it does hurt, but I squeeze my eyes shut and let him move around.

    "God, Emma." he groans, moving his hands from mine, and resting one on my waist and the other back to rubbing my clit. The pain subsides, and I enjoy the moment, feeling blissful and more connected with Ethan than I ever had before. It's over quickly, like I thought, and as Ethan moves more sloppily, I feel a pressure in my stomach building.

    "I'm gonna-" Ethan begins.

    "Me too..." I gasp back. And then it happens, my back arches in bliss and I almost miss the words Ethan says next.

    "I love you, Emma." he moans into my ear.

    I freeze, and then relax, flopping onto his chest, and basking in the sweaty warmth of his body. My brain isn't functioning properly, but the way he says those three words didn't seem to demand a reply. They replayed in my head; I love you I love you I love you along with the faint idea of; I have to pee.

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this was so weird to write and i'm really uncomfy ngl

i tried to write a somewhat realistic scene, but also keep it cute. how did i do?

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