chapter ten

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After stopping to get food, and performing an impromptu flash mob, we were on the road again. Singing to every single throwback song on Grayson's Spotify and laughing at Ethan's jokes made me realize how lucky I was. Sure, sometimes life was shitty, but I was surrounded by people who actually cared about me. How cool is that?
About an hour away from the Air BnB, Grayson fell asleep. James followed. I sighed, feeling the tendrils of sleep reach out to me, and reclined the passenger seat, hoping I wasn't crushing Grayson. I knew I fell asleep because I was awoken to a squeeze against my leg. Ethan's large hand was latched on my bare thigh, attempting to shake me awake while keeping one eye on the road.

"Hey, sorry, I need the address," he explained.

"Oh, yeah, okay," I said sleepily, opening my phone and checking the confirmation email. "Yeah, this left. That white building." I flipped on my camera.

"Whoa, what if we're on the top?" Ethan asked as he pulled in. "This is luxurious."

"What did you even book?" Grayson asked.

"I don't know, I hope it's good," I said nervously.

"Emma being boujee for the first time." Ethan teased.

"Yeah, literally." I agreed. I left my camera recording as we unloaded the car and got into the lobby. Ethan immediately flopped onto the lobby couch, and Grayson followed him. I panned to James, who looked exhausted.

"We're here!" I announced lazily, snapping the camera shut, and walking over behind the couch Ethan was lying on.

"Awww, poor Ethan had to drive the whole way." I teased, and without thinking, reached a hand towards his head. I ran my fingers through his mop of brown curls affectionately.

"Mmmm." Ethan hummed, unbothered. "I'm sore from sitting on my ass for four hours."

I retracted my hand quickly, noticing James shooting Grayson a strange look. Grayson avoided his eyes. I cleared my throat.

"I'm going to check in," I said, walking away. I watched the boys get up slowly and make their way to the elevators. After grabbing four keys, I joined them.

"You were right, E. 57th floor," I told him.

"No way," Grayson said incredulously.

"It better be nice," James warned. "That's a little sister sketchy."

"It will!" I insisted. The elevator was surprisingly fast, shooting us up hundreds of feet. We stepped out directly into our room, and I was greeted by sleek grey countertops and black leather furniture.

"Whoaaa," Grayson whispered. We slowly started taking a tour. This would be good for the vlog. "This is nice!"

"Oh my gosh, it is the 57th floor!" James exclaimed. "We should all jump together!"

"Holy shit," Ethan commented peering out the window to look at the Vegas lights. I squeezed in near him.

"Pretty, huh?" I asked.

"Seriously," Ethan admitted, still staring down. I smiled at his intrigued eyes. "You did good, Em."

"Um, there's only one bed!" James yelled from the bedroom.

"Shit, really?" I asked, rushing back to him. He was right, one giant bed.

"Huh, in the pictures you showed me there were two..." Grayson said, coming up behind me.

"That's weird," I said, genuinely confused.
"Whatever, we'll just pile in. I call an end!" Ethan interjected.

"Other end!" Grayson said, catching on.

"James, it's your dream, Gray and I can crush you! In a bed!" Ethan joked, cackling. I giggled, slapping a hand on his chest. He grabbed it and pulled me out of the bedroom. I stumbled after him, and only stopped when he let go of my hand in favor of a pool stick.

"Film this," he told me, setting up the triangle of balls. He was getting ready to hit them when James' sharp voice yelled;

"Emmmaaa! Let's go to fuckin' bed!"

"Shut up, I'm doing cool shit," Ethan said promptly. He pushed the stick forward, weakly striking the triangle. None of them went in.

"Sick shot," I commented. He smirked at me.

Finally succumbing to James' complaints, we all began getting ready for bed. It was close to 2 AM when I was putting my hair up and putting my pimple cream on.

Ethan was washing his face next to me and noticed the pink splotches on my face.

"Whoa, yours is a different color than mine." he noticed.

"Mario Badescu," I informed him, dabbing the q-tip around my nose.

"Does it work?" he asked.

"Sort of, my skin is usually ass so I never really know," I explained.

"No it isn't, you have really," Ethan said awkwardly. I chuckled.
"Thanks, E."

"Gimme some." he insisted, crouching down so I could reach him.

"My cheeks," he mumbled out of the corner of his mouth as I dabbed it around his nose.

"Here, wait-" I walked into him slightly, pushing him back to sit on the toilet lid so I had a better angle. He complied, turning his head up to me, and closing his eyes. I kept dabbing around his face gently, covering each slight imperfection. With his eyes closed and his face relaxed, he didn't look as serious as he usually did. Peaceful, and...childlike.

Grayson stumbled in. "What the-" he grumbled sleepily. "Are you getting paid for that?" he asked me.

"Because there's a shit ton to do." Grayson continued, smacking Ethan at the back of his head, causing my q-tip to hit him in the center of the forehead.

"You fucker." Ethan huffed, reaching out to return the hit, smacking his thigh.

"I'm going to bed on that chair, I swear, James will be up my ass all night," Grayson complained, searching for his toothbrush.

"Or the other way around," I commented snarkily, causing Ethan's shoulders to shake in laughter. I giggled as he resisted the urge to smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"Okay," Grayson said defensively. "I will not be fucking James tonight, to be clear,"

"Hey!" I heard James snap. "You'd be lucky to fuck me!"

"Oh, my god," Ethan said, mortified. "That's too much."

"Okay, you're done," I told him, throwing away my q-tip.
"Thanks, babe," Ethan replied.

"Ethan." I reprimanded.
"Sorry. Thanks, Emma. I really appreciate your kind gesture." he said, rolling his eyes. I glanced at Grayson, who was side eyeing Ethan.

Jesus, what did I not know that he did?

Ignoring my suspicions, I went to brush my teeth. I heard Ethan and Grayson crawl in bed as I spit out my mouthful of toothpaste. I grabbed my phone and exited the bathroom.

Ethan had claimed the spot nearest to the bathroom, and space was left between him and James, then Grayson, who already seemed to be asleep. I clambered up between James and Ethan and settled in, facing James.

"Plug my phone in?" I asked Ethan, handing my phone behind me. He took it and I heard the beep indicating it was charging.

"Goodnight," Ethan said softly, turning off the light. I tucked another pillow under my arm.

"Sweet dreams, sister squad," James whispered, causing a rustle of laughter through all of us. Soon we went silent, and after a few minutes, I felt Ethan's calloused fingers slide down my arm, shoulder to fingertips. He smoothly laced our hands together, and tucked the pair of hands against my stomach, effectively pulling me closer to him.

Our torsos touching, and body heat surely flowing, we drifted to sleep.

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