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"Don't crowd her, you'll scare her off."

"Is she okay?"

"Look! She's waking up!"

Your eyes slowly open, scanning your surroundings. "W-where am I?" You mutter, holding your head. "What happened..?"

"Y/n! You're okay!" Your brother, Casey screams as he attacks you with a hug.

"Ow, Casey. You're hurting me." You complain, groaning in pain.

"Yeah, Casey, be easy with her. She just woke up. Not to mention she's healing." The tall, purple masked turtle warns. What was his name? Dewey? Donald?

"Piss off Donnie, she's my sister." Casey spat, glaring at him.

"Donnie...?" You grumble, still a bit groggy.

"Yes Miss?" He answers, with what seemed like worry in his voice. Is he worried? ..About me? No I must be dreaming..

"You know you don't have to keep calling me Miss. I have a name." You reply sassily.

A few chuckles from that 'Raph' guy are heard.

"What is your name? I-I mean if you don't mind telling me.." Donnie asks, rubbing the back of his head.

"Y/n. My name is Y/n." You smile.

Donnie smiles cheekily, a hint of blush visible on his cheeks. "That's a beautiful name.."

Casey makes a barfing sound.

You glare daggers at him, in which you earn a gulp and his hands going up in defense.

"So, Y/n, how are you feeling?" The blue masked turtle asks.

"I feel.. a little groggy and sore." You reply honestly.

"Well yeah, you got stabbed in the stomach. Not to mention you have a sizable wound!" Casey yelps, flailing his arms around.

"Casey, calm down. Y/n, can you stand?" Donnie asks.

You shrug and Donnie helps you sit up from the table that you were laid on, and attempt to stand up.

"Woah!" You yelp, your legs wobbling and you lose your balance, only to be caught by Donnie.

"Easy, easy." He soothes.

Casey glares at him.

You hold onto Donnie, looking up at him.

You and Donnie lock eyes for a few seconds.

"Wow, she's so beautiful..." Donnie thinks to himself.

You catch him staring at you and you blush softly.

"Why is he staring at me?" You think to yourself.

"Earth to Donnie!" Leo says, breaking the silence.

You and Donnie look away from each other, blushing a bit.

Raph snickers.

"Alright Y/n, we need to talk about you staying here." Leo pipes up.

"Wait.. stay here?" You look at Leo, confused.

"Umm yeah.. Y/n you should stay here and rest.. At least until you're healed up." Donnie says.

"Um okay. I need some stuff from my house-"

"I can get it." Casey suggests, in which you nod. "What do you need?"

"Some clothes, pajamas, tooth brush, phone charger. You know, basics for spending the night somewhere." You tell your brother.

He nods. "Be back soon. Stay safe." Casey says, kissing your head before leaving.

You smile then turn and look at the 4 turtles. "Okay so I have some questions."

"Ask us anything. We'll tell you what we can." Leo smiles.

"Okay so how are y'all human like Turtles?" You ask, your eyebrow raised.

Leo tenses a little and clears his throat. "Uh.. Donnie? Care to explain?"

"Hmm? Oh! Uh yeah!" Donnie chuckles. "It's kind of a weird and long story."

"Believe me, I have time." You mumble.

Donnie sighs and clears his throat. "It all started with our father and master, Splinter. He bought us from a pet store and was walking down the street when a group of robot men-"

"WITH BRAINS!" Mikey interrupts.

Raph smacks him in the head, resulting in an 'ow' from Mikey.

"Anyways, the robot men with brains were talking about something while holding a canister of a glowing ooze. Which is called mutagen. Splinter got too close and the men saw him, which resulted in a battle. Splinter accidentally kicked the ooze out of the men's hand, which he dropped. Then the men hit Splinter which caused him to stumble and drop us into the mutagen which transformed us to how we are now." Donnie explained.

"Oh..wow." You say, surprised.

"Anymore questions?" Donnie asks.

"How old are you?" You ask, biting your lip.

"We just turned 16." Says Leo.

"Do y'all have anymore human friends besides me?"

"Who said you're our friend?" Raph scoffs.

"Raphael. Be nice." Leo warns.

Raph huffs and crosses his arms.

"Yeah, we have two human friends. April and Casey." Leo says.

"April? April O'Neil?" You ask, eyes wide.

"You know April?" Asks Donnie.

"Yeah! She's my best friend!" You say excitedly.

Raph smirks. "April's Donnie's girlfriend."

Your smile softens. He has a girlfriend?!

"She is not my girlfriend, Raph!" Donnie snaps.

"Yo, Y/n, you okay dudette?" Mikey asks with a frown.

"I just wanna be alone.." You whisper, looking down at the floor.

All of the turtles but Raph frown and begin to walk out of the lab.

"Wait! Donnie, can you stay?" You ask in a low whisper.

"Of course, Y/n. Whatever you want. I should probably clean the wound anyways." Donnie smiles softly.

You sit on his lab table and he walks over to you, his First Aid kit in his hand.

He starts to peel the tape of your bandage. "So, Y/n. Tell me about yourself. I mean if you want."

"There's not much to tell. I lost my parents at a young age, I hate school, i live alone with Casey. It's just been me and him since our parents died." You frown.

Donnie looks up at you, a frown on his face. "I'm sorry Y/n.. I shouldn't have asked."

You place your hand on his and look at him.

"It's okay Donnie, I wanted to tell you." You assure him with a small smile.

"Why would you tell me that? We just met?" He asks in surprise as he applies alcohol to your wound, causing you to hiss in pain.

Donnie mumbles a 'sorry'.

"I.. don't know. I know we just met but I trust you..." You smile.

He smiles back at you and rewraps your wound. "That means a lot to me. Thank you for telling me." He says as he stands up, planting a soft kiss on your hand.

You blush. "Y-you're welcome Donnie."

He grins, blushing softly.

You and Donnie sit in his lab and talk for what seemed like hours. Until finally, you both fell asleep. You snuggled up in his arms and his arms wrapped securely around you.

Yes, you guys may have just met but somehow you felt safe in his arms. You don't know why but you trusted him.. And Donnie would not let anyone hurt you again.

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