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Two weeks had passed and you were almost completely healed. Donnie, however, made sure you weren't pushing it. He'd help you get up, sit down, clean the wound, and bandage it. As the weeks went by, your feelings for him got stronger. You always wanted him next to you. You trusted him more than anything.

7:30pm, October 16

Dear Diary,

          I can't sleep. I can't believe what's happened to me in the past two weeks. I've been living with the turtles, Casey and April have been visiting everyday. I'm starting to like it here. Leo is very protective and heroic. Raph is very...Raph. Mikey is so sweet and adorable. And Donnie... wow. Where do I start? He's smart, handsome, sweet, kindhearted. He always has my best interest at heart and he always puts me first. I think I'm falling for him... Yes, you heard that right. I'm falling for a mutant turtle. Am I crazy? Probably. Do I care? Not really. He's done so much for me, I don't know how I can repay him.. Gotta go, time for 'therapy' with Donnie.

                   Until next time,
                               Y/n Jones xx

You hid your diary under your pillow, jumping from the knock on the door.

"Y/n? It's Donnie." Donnie says quietly. You could almost see his blush.

"Coming, Donnie!" You reply, fixing your hair a bit before opening your door.

"H-hey Y/n. You look great." Donnie confesses, blushing.

"Thanks Donnie." You blush, a small smile tugging at your lips.

"Well, are you gonna come in or stand there all day?" You giggle.

"O-oh! Yes, of course!" He chuckles and walks in your bedroom.

You shut the door behind him, then walking back to your bed and sitting down.

Donnie sits beside you, twiddling his thumbs.

You look at him, a small dust of pink on your cheeks.

He turns to look at you, blushing as well.

"I'm glad we're finally alone, Donnie." You say, leaning closer.

"M-me too Y/n..." He whispers, him leaning in as well.

You were inches away from Donnie's face, his breath shallow and hesitant. You smiled and closed the gap, kissing him softly on the lips.

Donnie hummed into the kiss, gently pulling you closer.

You pull away, a small smile on your lips.

"What's wrong?" Donnie asks, concerned.

"Nothing, Donnie, I'm fine." You lie, looking down at your hands.

Donnie gently lifts you chin up so you're looking at him. "Y/n, please tell me if something's bothering you."

You sigh, defeated. "Fine but please don't judge or leave me." You whisper.

Donnie gasps. "I would never!" He gently takes your hands and holds them close. "Y/n, I would never leave or judge you. Who am I to judge anyway? I'm a giant talking turtle." He chuckles softly.

You took a deep breath. "I think I'm falling in love with you.."


You look up, only to see Donnie frozen with a small smile on his face.

"Donnie?" You ask, waving your hand in his face.

"Y/n, why would you think I'd leave or judge you over that?" Donnie frowns.

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