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(A/N: I'm feeling generous this week and decided to post a two part chapter! Hope you enjoy! Have a great Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! :) )

It was a chilly winter day. You and Donnie had planned to go around New York and look at Christmas lights. You headed down the manhole and started to the lair.

With Donnie...

"April, I'm trying to focus." Donnie complained, mixing different liquids together.

"But Donnie, I need you!" April moans, desperately trying to get Donnie's attention.

You had walked in the lair and stopped at Donnie's lab, watching from the doors.

"I'm sorry, April, I'm busy." Donnie stated, sticking his tongue out in concentration.

April sees you and smirks, turning Donnie to her and crashing her lips to his.

For a split second, Donnie kisses back but soon sees you and immediately pulls away.

He looked at you with a face mixed with guilt and remorse.

"Y-Y/n-" He started but you interrupted.

"Save it! I knew you were playing with my feelings just to do me over and move to April! We're done, Donatello! I never want to see you again!" You sob, running out his lab, into the living room.

"Y/N!" Leo tries to stop you.

"I don't want to hear it, Leo. I'm out of here." You spat, leaving the lair and running towards your old house, not looking back to see Donnie in the living room with his brothers and April. April getting kicked out by Leo, Donnie's brothers yelling at him, even Mikey, about how he was lucky to have you and how much he had messed up. And Donnie, he just sank on the couch, his head in his hands, sobbing quietly and whispering your name over and over, as if it could bring you back to him.

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