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When Leo and Raph are driving you home, you look down at your baby wrapped securely in your arms and smile softly, gently kissing her on the head.

Once back at the lair, you stayed on the couch staring at your baby girl laid in your arms.

Her skin was olive green, the same color as Donnie's. A small yellow plastron protects her chest while a golden brown shell covers the back. She has four fingers including thumbs on each hand and five toes on each tiny foot. Soft (h/c) curls cover her head and her eyes are that familiar reddish brown.

"She's so beautiful, Y/N." Raph whispers.

Raph and Leo haven't left your side since she was born. They're mesmerized by her.

"So what are you gonna name her?" Leo asks.

"Me and Donnie already picked out a name. Say hello to Michiko Grace Hamato."

Raph and Leo both shred a tear, out of happiness of course.

"That's beautiful." Raph croaks.

You smile. "Thanks."

Suddenly, you hear that all familiar noise. "Booyakasha!" Echoes throughout the lair, signaling the others are back from patrol.

Donnie stumbles in before collapsing on the couch in exhaustion.

"Hey, Don-Don." You call from the other side of the couch.

"Hey, Dove." He replies absently.

Michiko yawns softly, catching Donnie's attention.

"What the-holly shell! When...when did this happen?" Donnie asks, astonished.

"A few hours ago when I tried calling you," Leo piped up, crossing his arms. "Why didn't you answer, Donatello?"

"I was on patrol," Donnie admits sheepishly. "My phone must've been on silent and I hadn't even realized." He scoots over to you and your baby. "Can...can I?"

You look up at him. "Of course, Donnie. She's your daughter, too."

You carefully place your daughter in Donnie's arms, watching his expression change to astonishment to total awe.

"She's so beautiful, Y/N. Thank you." Donnie smiles at you, kissing your head softly.

"She's 100% healthy. I checked when we got back. I knew there was some perks to having a fiancé who's a genius." You giggle.

Donnie looks at you, a huge grin on his face. "That's my girl."

"Now you have two girls to look out for." You point out with a smile as you gently brush you finger across her cheek.

Donnie smiles. "That I do."

Leo clears his throat.

"Oh! Yes, thank you. Both of you. Y/N would be in big trouble if you two weren't there. I owe you one, both of you." Donnie says.

Raph grumbles but eventually gives a soft smile.

Leo smiles and nods.

Suddenly, Splinter enters the room and freezes in his tracks. "Is that my granddaughter?"

You look up at Splinter and nod.

Donnie stands up and hands the baby to Splinter.

Splinter's furred face forms into a smile as soon as she's in his arms. "Hello, little one," the rat whispers. "You never need to fear about anything. Your parents will treat you like the princess you are."

You and Donnie smile.

"Thank you, Sensei." You smile, bowing your head respectively.

Splinter hands Michiko back to you. "You are most welcome. Donatello, may I have a word?"

"Hai, Sensei."

The genius follows his father to the lab doors so they can have privacy but can still keep an eye out.

"I am proud of you, my son."


"You have overcome a lot in the past few months. Just look at us. You have a beautiful little family, Raphael has a wonderful girlfriend, Leo and Mikey are happy together. Life has been very good to us."

Donnie stands there for a moment, absorbing all of what Splinter said. He sees you laugh at Mikey, who's dancing goofily. He sees Raph grinning at Leo, who's making faces at little Michiko, trying to get her to smile. He looks back at Splinter, who has a smile of pure satisfaction on his face.

Donnie smiles, looking at you holding your baby.

You glance back at him, returning a smile.

For once, life is truly good. Donnie decides before returning to you.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed these two chapters! Now I have some upsetting news. There's only two chapters of this particular book left. I know, I know, I'm sad too but have no fear! I'm planning to make the other turtles boyfriends scenarios and husband scenarios! It'll be a while but they will happen! Thank you all for your support and I hope you continue to like my works in the future! Btw, go check out my other turtle story, If You're Reading This! TRIGGER WARNING!! Thank you xox

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