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(Wow, two chapters in one day. I'm on a roll! 😂)

6:30am, October 17

Dear Diary,

How is it that I can't stop thinking about him? It's like I've never felt this before.. It's fairly new to me and it's scary. I want to tell him how I really feel but I'm scared.. Oh, got to go.. Time for school. I'll continue this later.

Until later,
Y/n Jones xx

"Y/n!" Donnie calls, making you jump.

"Coming!" You call back, grabbing your bag and shoving your diary inside, heading to the door.

You walk up to your boyfriend, who's smiling at you.

"Morning." You whisper.

"You look beautiful." He compliments, causing you to smile and whisper a small, "Thanks."

"Ready?" He smiles, kissing your head.

You gasp. "Donnie-"

"Shh. The others are asleep until 8:00 sharp. I wanted to walk you to school.." He confesses, rubbing his head.

"Of course you can. I'd be safer with you anyways. Plus, I want to hold your hand in public." You say and grab his hand, gently swinging it.

He blushes softly and y'all leave, walking towards your high school.

Halfway there, you meet up with April.

Smiling, you call out her name and she looks at you, returning the smile as she walks over to you two.

"Hey, Y/n! Hey, Donnie!" She greets.

"Hey April!" You and Donnie say in unison.

Y'all start walking to the school once more, and you shriek as Donnie picks you up and places you on his back, holding onto your legs.

"Donnie!" You shriek.

"Shush, I got you." He promises.

You sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck with a smile.

"Y'all so cute!" April gushes.

You and Donnie blush. "Thanks." You both say.

2 minutes later...

"Alright Donnie this is where you let me go. We're here and as much as I'd love you to walk me to class, we can't risk anyone to see you." You say, frowning a bit.

"Yeah, Donnie. Sorry but you need to go back to the lair. Me and Casey can walk her. She'll be fine." April tells him, smiling softly.

"Okay. Call me after school ends and I'll be here to pick you up." He smiles.

"I will, I promise. Bye Donnie Boy." You tease, standing on your tippy toes and planting a small kiss on his lips before waving bye and walking with April to meet up with Casey.

Little did you know, something fell out your bag. Your diary.

Donnie sees it and picks it up. "Oh no, she dropped her diary.. I'll put it under her pillow and tell her after school." He says to himself before disappearing.

Donnie thought he had been in the clear with walking you to school.. He was wrong. Little did y'all know, someone was watching in the shadows...

8 hours later...

The school bell rings, signaling the end of the day.

The classroom lets out screams of happiness as the students flood the hallways.

You try to navigate the halls to get to your locker.

Once you reach your locker, you open it up and shove your books in there.

"Have a good day, eh, Y/n?" Your brother, Casey, asks you as he leans against the lockers beside yours.

"Yes, I did. You?"

"Eh, it was ight." He sighs. "Want me to walk you back to the lair?"

"Nah. Donnie said he would, we're going to get some pizza and bring it for the others." You tell him.

He nods and kisses your head before waving bye.

You sigh and close your locker, heading out the doors.

Once you get outside you reach in your bag for your phone but someone grabs you, covering your mouth.

"Not one word and you won't get hurt." The voice warns.

You nod, tears sliding down your cheeks.

"Good girl. Now let's go." They say, dragging you away.

Back at the lair..

"I can't think, I can't think. I'm seriously stressing here! Okay, think calm thoughts, think calm thoughts." Donnie says worriedly, pacing around the lair.

"You think Kraang has her?! You think they're doing experiments on her to turn her into a mutant?" Mikey asks.

"Are you TRYING to freak me out?!" Donnie shouts at Mikey, who has a smirk on his face.

"Donnie, calm down. You're gonna give me shell lash." Raph complains, groaning.

"Yeah Donnie, calm down. Maybe her phone died?" Leo pipes up.

"Yeah, dude, chillax." Mikey soothes.

"Yeah, yeah, maybe you're right." Donnie sighs, sitting down.

Just then, April and Casey bust in the lair, out of breath.

"GUYS! Y/N IS MISSING!" April shouts.

"WHAT?!" All 4 turtles shout, jumping up.

"MY BABY!" Donnie shrieks.

"Umm.. what?" Raph and Casey ask while crossing their arms.

"N-n-nothing!" Donnie chuckles nervously.

"No Donnie, please tell us. Tell us how you've been sneaking around with Y/n!" Raph smirks.

Everyone except Raph turns and looks at Donnie.

"Donnie.. What are you doing with my sister?" Casey asks, gritting his teeth.

Donnie sighs, defeated. "Fine. Me and Y/n are secretly.. together."

"I KNEW IT!" Raph and Mikey shouted in unison.

"Really, Donnie?! You just met her! She's a human! How do you know if we can trust her?!" Leo shouts, looking at April and Casey, who are crossing their arms. Leo blushes in embarrassment. "Except for you guys, we trust you 100%!" He chuckles nervously.

"You can trust Y/n as well! She's my best friend!" April says.

Casey backs her up, "Yeah, she would never tell anyone about you guys!"

"We gotta find her Leo! Please I need her! She has to be safe!" Donnie begs.

Leo pauses, sighing. "April, Casey, look in places you think she would go up on the surface. Raph, Mikey, check the school. Donnie, you're with me."

Everyone nods and gets into action, going where Leo told them.

"We're coming for you Y/n. Don't you worry." Donnie whispers.

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