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Time skip, 2 years later...

A month ago...

Donnie's on the phone with April.

"April, can you meet me in the lair? I need a favor."

"Of course, Donnie. I'll be there in a minute!"



A minute later...

"Donnie?" April calls out, walking into the living room.

"Coming!" Donnie replied, emerging from his lab.

"What do you need?" April asks in confusion.

"I want you to go shopping with me. I need a girls opinion. You and Leo are coming with me." Donnie explained.

"What about Leo?" Leo asked, popping out from nowhere.

"You need to come shopping with me and April. I need your opinions. Since you two are closest to Y/n other than her brother."

"What kind of shopping?" Leo asks.

"You'll see." Donnie smirks.

They go to the surface and start heading to the ring store..

"The ring store?! Why are we here?" Leo questioned.

"Donnie.. You're not gonna do THAT, are you?" April asks in shock.

"I am. I wanna be with Y/n for the rest of our lives." Donnie admits, smiling widely.

"Donnie, can I talk to you?" April asks.

"Sure. Be right back, Leo." Donnie said.

Donnie and April walk away a few feet.

"Donnie, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, April. Why do you seem so weird about this?" Donnie frowns.

"I like you Donnie. I always have and I don't want you to rush into anything."

Donnie looks flabbergasted.

He's silent for a few moments then clears his throat.

"April, I'm flattered but I've moved on. I waited and waited for you. It only led to a broken heart. I've finally moved on and starting a new chapter in life and now you decide to tell me?" Donnie sighs in frustration.

"I'm sorry Donnie but I can't let you do this."

"Then leave. I'm proposing to Y/n and you're not going to stop me." Donnie states angrily.

"Fine. But don't expect me at the wedding." April scoffs, walking away.

Donnie huffs and walks back to Leo.

"Everything okay? Where'd April go?" Leo asked.

"She refused to help. Looks like it's just us." Donnie frowns.

Leo shrugs and the two brothers walk in the store.

"Hello, welcome to New York's jewelers. How can I help you?" The guy at the desk asked with a smile.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring." Donnie smiles.

"Congratulations! Is this your boyfriend?" The guy asked.

Leo blushes.

Donnie chuckles. "No. This is my brother, Leo. I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend."

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