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It's that time of year again. The hearts, the candy, the cheesy couples things. Valentine's Day snuck up on you with ninja stealth. You were definitely stressing over what to get your Genius in purple.

You were currently surfing the internet, looking for a suitable gift to get your fiancé for Valentine's.

"Ugh!" You groan in frustration. "What the shell do you get a giant mutant turtle for Valentine's?"

Suddenly, a knock on the door makes you jump out of your skin and with ninja reflexes, you exit out of the website and shut the computer down.

"W-who is it?" You call out nervously.

"It's Raph. Let me in, will ya?" The red masked ninja grumbles.

You sigh and get up from your bed, walking to the door and opening it.

"What are you doing, chica?" The hothead asks, stepping into your room.

"I can't find a Valentine's present for Don and it's stressing me out!" You shout.

Raph is taken aback at your shouting. "Calm down shorty, I'll help ya find something. Alrite?"

You look at Raph, a small smile on your lips. "Really? Oh thank you, Raph!"

"Ya, don't you tell 'nyone." Raph grumbled, walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"Alright, whatcha thinking?" He asked.

"I don't know, that's the problem!" You shriek, flailing your arms.

"Ok, calm down. I'm sure we can think of 'sumthin." Raph assures you.

You look down, playing with your thumbs.

"Don's always saying he needs new lab equipment. Maybe get him some?" Raph suggests.

"That's a great idea! Thanks, Raph!" You gush, kissing him on the cheek.

He rubs his neck, a light pink dusted on his cheeks. "N-no problem!"

You search online for new lab equipment and order some, smiling widely.

Two weeks later...

"Y/n! Get up!"

"Ughh.." You groan groggily and open your eyes, shifting to your side, only to be greeted by Donnie's gap tooth smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Dove." Donnie says, handing you a box of chocolates and a single red rose.

"Aww, Donnie! You're too sweet! Thank you." You say, kissing him on the cheek.

"You don't have to get me anything, Y/n. I'm all about spoiling you." Donnie smiles gently.

"Pish posh." You giggle, getting up and walking to your closet, pulling out a box and handing it to Donnie.

"Y/n, really. You didn't have to-"

"Just open it."

Donnie sighs softly and opens the box, shrieking in delight. "Y/n, this is wonderful! Thank you!"

"I thought you'd like more lab equipment. Happy Valentine's Day, my love."

Donnie hugs you gently and whispers, "I love you, Dove."

You smile and bury your face in his plastron. "I love you too, Don-Don."

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