Michiko's First Halloween

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(this is a skit but it does contribute to this story. enjoy and happy Halloween!)

It was your favorite night of the year, Halloween! The candy, the parties, the costumes!!

"Hey, Donnie, do you know where Michiko's costume is?" You ask, shuffling through some things.

"Yeah, I'm almost done!" He calls back.

"Okay! Hey Leo, can you watch Michiko while I put costume on?"

"Of course, Y/n!" Leo agrees with a smile.

You sit the tot down and go upstairs to your room.

15 minutes later..

You walk back downstairs to see Raph and Mikey playing with Michiko.

"Hey guys, we're about to leave. You guys gonna change?"

"Halloween is the one night a year we can go out in our normal attire. The kids just think we're in a turtle costume." Donnie answered as he walks in, handing you Michiko's costume.

You smile and take it. "Come here Miki, time to put on your costume!"

She coos and stands up.

You help her change into her costume and smile in awe when you finish.

"Aw baby, you look adorable!" You beam, gently pinching her cheeks.

"We sure make an adorable baby." Donnie says with a smile.

"We sure did."

"Alright, who's ready to go Trick or Treating?" You ask.

"WE ARE!" The turtles say in unison.

"Then lets go!" You say.

With that, all of you are out the door.

"So who thinks they'll get the most candy?"

"I think Miki will! Just look at her!" Donnie chuckles.

"I agree with Don." Mikey shouts.

15 houses later..

You and the turtles stumble back into the lair, crashing on the couch.

"That was exhausting." Mikey complains.

"Yeah but at least we got can- Hey! Who took my candy?!" Raph shouts, looking under pillows.

You and the others start looking until you realize Michiko is missing.

"Where's Michiko?!" You panic.

"Relax, shes probably in her room." Leo states.

You run upstairs and into Michiko's room.

The lair is quiet until...

You burst out into laughter, coming back downstairs.

"Raph I think I know what happened to your candy."


You hold out Michiko who licking her chocolate covered lips.

All the turtles except Raph burst into laughter.

"Why you little stinker." Raph smirks.

Michiko giggles.

"Happy Halloween." You announce, through your laughter.

Raph scoffs.

"Ha..ppy Hawween!" Michiko repeats.

Everyone stops laughing and looks at Michiko in shock.

"Did she-"

"I think she did-"

"Oh my baby said her first words!" You cry, picking her up and kissing her head.

"This is so great!" Donnie agreed, kissing the tots head as well.

"Happy Halloween you guys." You smile.

"Happy Halloween, Y/n."

"Happy Hawwoween!" Says Michiko.

This was indeed a Halloween you'd never forget! Happy Halloween you guys! Thank you for your love and support on my books! xox Alison

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