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It's been 3 months since you found out you're pregnant, and you're H U G E! Donnie told you it's probably due to you being pregnant with a baby mutant turtle, so the pregnancy will be shorter and you would give birth at roughly 5-6 months.

"Alright, Y/N. You ready to find out what our baby is?" Donnie asks, prepping for an ultrasound.

"Yes, beyond ready!" You shout with a grin.

Donnie chuckles and turns the machine on, grabbing the gel and turning back to you. "Okay, Y/N. This is gonna be cold."

You nod, inhaling a small breath.

He puts the ultrasound wand on your belly and you immediately flinch at the feeling.

"I'm sorry, Dove." His face falls slightly but then he turns to the monitor.

"Alright, you see this?" He asks, pointing to the gray blob on the screen.

You nod, biting your lip.

He looks at the screen for a moment, letting out a gasp then turns back to you, his eyes wide.

"What? What is it?" You ask, panic immediately noticeable on your face.

He grins. "Y/N.. we're having a girl."

"Y/N.. we're having a girl."

That sentence keeps booming through your head like thunder claps. A girl, wow.

You smile wide, tears of happiness falling down your cheeks. "A girl? That's wonderful." You say as you rub your tummy lovingly.

Donnie smiles at you and kisses your tummy. "Daddy's little princess."

You smile at him, which he returns as he kisses your lips softly before pulling away.

"Why don't you talk to her?" You ask Donnie.

You nods and gently placed his hands on your stomach. "Hey babygirl, it's your Daddy. Me and mommy can't wait to meet you, we love you so much."

You watch him, a huge smile on your face.

You think to yourself. 'Donnie's gonna be the best daddy ever.'

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