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A/N; Hey guys, sorry it took a while. I was thinking of ideas for this chapter and upcoming chapters. But here it is, Chapter 6! Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote! :)

Last chapter of sweet creature...


"She's in the Kraang's hideout."


"You are just in time to watch your girlfriend get mutated!"

Donnie goes to help you but it's too late and you get dropped in the mutation.

"Y/N! NO!"

You pop out, coughing. "Nice catch, Donnie." You say sarcastically.

"Y/n... you're a...a.."

"She's a TURTLE?!"

Present chapter...

"What do you mean I'm a turtle?" You look at the others with wide eyes.

Everyone is silent for a second.

Leo hands you his katana to use as a mirror. "See for yourself!"

You look at your reflection, gasping in horror.

You shriek. "I'M A TURTLE?!"

"Y/n..." Donnie approaches you, his hands out as he tries to calm you down.

"I-I'm a t-t-turtle..." You whisper over and over before your sight gets blurry.

"Someone catch her! She's gonna-"

You black out, falling from the tub of mutation.

"I got her!" Donnie exclaims, jumping up and catching you in his arms.

"...Faint." Mikey finishes with a sigh.

"Guys, we gotta get back Y/n to the lair!" Leo grabs his other katana and runs back to the others.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouts, throwing a ninja smoke bomb on the ground causing purple smoke to emit as they vanish.

Back at the lair..

Donnie gently lays you down on the couch.

You groan as you open your eyes, seeing your friends.

"What happened?" You sit up, rubbing your head.

"You fainted after you found out you're a turtle! It was wild!" Mikey exclaims.

Raph goes to smack him in the head, but misses.

"Haha!" Mikey giggles, sticking his tongue out.

Raph growls and flicks him in the face.

"Ow!" Mikey whined.

"Raphael, Michelangelo." Leo warns, glaring at the two.

Raph rolls his eyes and Mikey just frowns.

You stare at Donnie, beginning to cry.

Donnie frowns and scoops you up, holding you.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" Donnie asks, looking up.

"Sure, Don." Leo nods, shooing everyone else out of the living room.

"Y/n.. I'm so sorry." Donnie frowns, holding you close while resting his chin on your head.

"Wh-What am I-I going to do?!" You sob into his plastron.

"I swear, by Darwin's beard, I'll make a retromutagen. I'll do what ever it takes to turn you back." Donnie whispers, kissing your head repeatedly while rubbing your back.

"Don, what about school? I need to be able to graduate someday! My mom wanted me to grow up and go to college!" You sniff, still buried in Donnie's plastron.

"I can make some type of watch or something to turn you human until I come up with an antidote." He speaks, softly stroking your hair.

You look up at him, tear stained cheeks and he smiles softly, caressing your cheek.

"You would do that?" You sniffle, looking into his eyes.

He stares back into yours. "Of course, Y/n. I-I love you.." He whispers but immediately his eyes widen, and he gulps, scanning your face for a reaction.

But to his surprise, the reaction he got was not what he expected. Instead of an facial or verbal response, you cupped his face and leaned in, kissing him softly.

His eyes widen for a second then he quickly kisses back.

Soon, oxygen becomes a necessity and you pull away, your foreheads pressed together and a smile on your face.

"I love you too, Donnie."

"Hey, don't stop on our account." Raph pipes up with a smirk, him and the others walking into the room.

You and Donnie blush, realizing you're still in his arms, you clear you throat.

Donnie catches on and softly sits you down beside him, standing up while rubbing his head nervously.

"Hey, Y/n, I got you something." Leo pipes up and walks over to you, handing you something.

You look down at your hands to see your f/c mask.

"Wow, thanks Leo!" You smile and look at Donnie. "Help me put it on?"

"Oh, um, sure!" He smiles and takes the mask, tying it around your eyes.

"Now you're really one of us, Y/n!" Leo grins.

"And now you can train with us! I-I mean, if you want to!" Donnie rubs his head, a small grin on his face.

You stand up, hugging all of them. "That'd be awesome! Thanks guys!"

Splinter walks over to you. "I see we have another turtle."

"Uh, yeah. I was mutated." You whisper, looking up at Splinter.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure Donatello will figure something out, yes?" Splinter asks and looks at Donnie, who nods vigorously.

"And I'm sure my sons will teach you some Ninjutsu." Splinter looks at all 4 turtles.

"Hai, Sensei!" They nod and bow.

"Good. I'll see you and my sons in the morning then?"

It was your turn to bow. "Hai, Sensei."

He smiles and walks off.

"Guys, now we have a girl turtle! How awesome is that?!" Mikey shouts, jumping up and down.

"Not that awesome, Mikey." Casey rolls his eyes.

"We'll teach you what we know until Donnie comes up with an antidote. Okay?" Leo smiles, placing his hand on your shoulder.

You smile and nod. "Sounds good to me."

"That deserves a big, fat, sloppy, wet, BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey shouts, jumping up in a dramatic, yet cute way.

You giggle and walk over to Donnie, hugging him.

He hugs back and whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Even though you were mutated, you looked to the bright side. You had a wonderful family, great friends, and a loving boyfriend. You couldn't be happier.. Or so you thought..

sweet creatureWhere stories live. Discover now