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You and Leo were out shopping for clothes for the baby girl, spending time together that you haven't had lately.

"So how's it going?" Leo asks, holding a basket full of clothes, pacifiers, bibs, etc.

"Well, me and Donnie are good. Engaged, baby on the way, happy. How about you and Mikey?" You ask with a smile.

"We're good!" Leo says.

"That's good-" Before you could finish, a huge gush of water rushes down your leg, soaking your pants, shoes and the floor, followed by piercing pain. For a single moment the pain vanished. Then it comes back, full force. You shriek, doubling over in pain.

Leo was at your side in an instant. "Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong on?"

"The baby is coming!"

"Here? Now?!" Leo asks, shocked.

You growl. "Call Donnie or so help me God, I'll beat you until you look like the Kraang."

Leo gulps and dials Donnie's number. No dice. Then he calls Casey. Nothing. Mikey, no answer. Next, he dials Raph.

"Yo?" Raph's voice comes through the small device.

Leo lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank Kraang. Raph, listen very carefully. Me and Y/N are at the mall in the store shopping for baby clothes. How fast can you get here?"

Raph's grumble is so deep, you can even hear it clearly coming from the small device. "I'll be over in 5, sit tight." Click.

Leo turns back to you to realize you're on the floor in your back, cowering in pain.

"Okay, okay, lets move you to the bathroom. Think you can stand?" Leo asks.

You nod quickly and stand, Leo helping you to the nearest girls bathroom.

You and Leo both go inside, thank God it was empty.

Yes, Leo went into the women's bathroom. Did he care? No.

"Okay, Y/N. Deep breaths. In, out." Leo soothes.

You inhale slowly, then exhale. Surprisedly, it helps.

Moments later, there's a knock on the door.

"Someone's in here." You said as loud as you could.

"It's Raph, open up!"

Leo sighs in relief once more and opens the door.

Raph steps inside, closing the door behind him and turns around, looking at you in shock.

Raph steps inside, closing the door behind him and turns around, looking at you in shock

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"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Raph shouts.

"The problem is I'm in labour and you two dummies are just standing there with a dumb look on your faces!" You spat.

"Damn shorty." Raph said with a smirk.

Suddenly, you shriek out in pain. It's time.

"I-I need to push!" You shout.

Leo nods and slides your pants down to your ankles.

"Okay, Y/N. Push." Raph orders.

You lean forward and push, screaming in agony.

"You're going great, Y/N! Again!" Leo says, grabbing a wet paper towel and dabbing your head with it.

Raph looks down, letting out a gasp. "I see her head! Keep pushing!"

You let out yet another agonizing scream as you push.

Then comes sweet, blessed relief. All pain has subsided, leaving you exhausted and covered in sweat. A small cry fills in the silence and everyone freezes.

Slowly, Leo looks down. His face forms into a satisfying grin and he scoops your baby up.

"Here she is. Y/N, you did great." Leo praises.

Raph glances at her, smiling, "She's beautiful, Y/N. Congratulations."

You smile as well. "Thanks guys."

Leo hands you the child and you look at her, pure happiness radiating from your smile.

"You did it, guys."

Raph and Leo smile at you.

"No, Y/N. You did it."

Author's Note: Try writing a birth chapter when you're sick as a dog. It's really quite fun.

Sorry about the cliffhanger but it's the moment you've all been waiting for!!





Okay, so I want the baby's name to be more Japanese sounding since Splinter is from Japan so I'm picking the name (sorry not sorry.)

Michiko Grace Hamato will be her name.

Welp, that's all for now. See you next chapter!

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