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It's been 3 days since you went missing. The turtles, April, and your brother continue looking. The others have become really worried about Donnie. He's been depressed lately. He's barely slept or eaten. He mostly spends his time in his lab, obsessed with finding you.

"I trust you Donnie."

"Of course you can. I'd be safer with you anyways. Plus, I wanna hold your hand in public."

"Yes you dork!"

"Donnie!!" Leo calls, pulling Donnie from his thoughts.

"Yeah, Leo?" Donnie croaks.

"Can I come in? Please?"

"Oh, uh sure." Donnie whispers, stumbling to open his lab doors.

"Donnie.. You gotta take care of yourself. We're all worried about you... What would Y/n say if she saw you like this?" Leo sighs as he walks in.

Donnie grunts in frustration. "Y/n's not here, Leo! So stop with the lectures about what would she do or say because she's not-"

"Guys! We found something!" Casey shouts from the living room, interrupting Donnie.

Leo and Donnie race to him, Donnie pushing Leo aside.

"What?! What is it?!" Donnie practically screamed.

"We got a lead from her phone. She's close by." April says.

"Well?! What are we waiting for?! Let's go!!" Donnie shouts, grabbing his bo-staff and running out the lair.

Everyone looks at each other before following him.

"Okay... Where are you Y/n?" Donnie whispers, standing on top of a building, looking at his T-Phone.

The T-Phone beeps.

"Eureka! I think I got something!" Donnie exclaims.

"What ya got, D?" Mikey asks.

"Her tracker is on. Which means she still has her phone on her." Donnie sighs in relief.

"That's great! Got a location?" April asks.

"The signal is coming from... oh no." Donnie stops, immediately frowning.

"What?! What is it?!" Leo and Casey ask at the same time.

"She's... in the Kraang's hideout.." Donnie gulps.

"We gotta save her!" Mikey states.

"Let's go!" Donnie says, jumping down from the building, onto the streets.

"Follow him!" Leo commands, everyone else following Donnie.

Donnie reaches the building, looking through the window, looking for you.

You see him and you eyes go wide. "Mmm!" You struggle.

He puts his finger up to his lip, telling you to be quiet.

You don't listen and keep shaking your hand, mumbling.

Donnie tinkers with the lock, quietly walking over to you.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Here, I'll get you out of here!" He promises, going to untie you.

He managed to remove the tape from your mouth, and you whisper, "Donnie, no, it's a trap! You gotta get out of here!" You beg.

"And leave you? Heh, that's funny." Donnie rolls his eyes and continues to untie you.

"Turtle Scum!" A voice calls, attacking Donnie.

"Donnie!" You shout.

"Ha!" Donnie exclaims, hitting the figure in the head with his bo-staff.

The figure is revealed, causing Donnie to growl softly.

"Xever." He grumbles.

"Yes, it is I, Xever! You are just in time, Turtle. You are going to witness your little girlfriend get mutated!" He laughs evilly.

"No..." Donnie gasps, his eyes wide.

Just then, the others break through the window!

"Fishface! Let Donnie and Y/n go!" Leo threatens.

"Or what Turtle?" Xever laughs.

"We'll turn you into sushi." Raph smirks.

Xever scoffs. "Very clever Turtles. But you are too late!" He laughs, pushing a button.

You scream as you realize you're being carried by a converbelt.

"DONNIE! HELP ME!" You cry out.

"I'm coming Y/n!" Donnie shouts, about to jump to you.

"I don't think so!" Shouts Rahzar, attacking Donnie to the ground.

"Oof!" Donnie complains, hitting the ground.

Donnie tries to get back up and help you but it's too late, you're dropped into the mutagen!

"NO! Y/N!" Donnie cries.

"Y/N!" April shouts, crying as she hugs Casey.

Casey hugs April back, a frown on his face. You know he'll never admit it, but it's obvious he's crying a little.

Everyone is now frowning, some are crying as they stare at the tub of mutagen, waiting for you to pop out.

You pop out, coughing and gasping for air.

Everyone gasps.

"Nice catch, Donnie." You say sarcastically.

"Y/n.. you're a...a..." Donnie stutters.

"She's a...TURTLE?!" Casey shouts.

To be continued...

A/N :

Hey guys! Jasper here and I wanna tell you I'm gonna take a small hiatus and think of some ideas for the next few chapters! I'll update soon! Thank you to those who've been reading this! :)

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