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"You sure you got everything?"

"Yeah but I don't understand why I can't stay with y'all."

"Y/N, trust me, this is for your own safety."

Crossing your arms, you glare at your purple masked fiancé standing in front of you.

"I just don't understand why you don't want me at the lair.." You whisper, looking down.

Donnie sighs. "Y/N, it's not that I don't want you there, I want you all the time. This is important and it's highly recommended that you stay clear of the lair until Casey says it's safe."

You sigh sadly. "I just don't understand-"

Donnie wipes his hand over his face. "Y/N, please. Trust me."

He looks so exhausted, and so worried, you finally give in. "Alright." You whisper.

He smiles softly, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I'll see you in a few weeks then. I love you, Dove."

Before you can respond, you find yourself alone in front of your house. Your brother opens the door, greeting you with a small smile.

You sigh, walking up the stairs and pass your brother, going into your house.

Once inside, you set your bag down and turn to your brother.

"Donnie said you know what's going on." You blurt out.

Casey sighs. "You might wanna sit down, it's a lot to process."

(Time skip)

"I can't believe this!" You mutter, mouth hanging open while you're processing everything you just heard. "The guys have a mating season?"

"Well, they are turtles, after all." Casey says softly.

"Yeah, but mating season? That's so bizarre!" You freak, arms flailing uselessly.

Your vigilante brother nods. "You get used to it. April did the same thing."

"So tell me again, why can't I leave?"

"If you're around any of the guys during mating season, there's a good chance that there will be little turtles running around within nine months."

Your face grows pale. "But we're safe here. Right?"

Casey nods. "Me and Donnie made some moderations a few months ago. We'll be fine as long as you don't leave. We have plenty of food and supplies."

"Oh man, this is pretty serious, isn't it?"

Another nod.

"Well I guess we can watch some movies and hang out. Just like when we were little." You smile.

"Sounds good to me, Y/N. Want some popcorn?" Casey asks, headed to the kitchen.

"Popcorn sounds great! Fetch me a soda while you're at it!" You respond.

"You got it!"

You were excited to spend some time with your brother. However, there was a uneasy thought in the back of your mind like something bad will happen and if/when it does, it'll change everything.

(Time skip)

It was two weeks since you've been staying with your brother, and you ran out of (favorite food). Yes, Donnie told you to not leave your house, but this is necessary in your mind.

When you return, arms filled with groceries, you sigh in relief to find your house almost as you left it. Except for one thing. It was too quiet and your brother had disappeared.

"Yo, Case. You here?" You call out, walking around to see if you can find him.

You tiptoe quietly upstairs and look around, when you hear a THUD coming from your bedroom.

You jump and slap a hand over your mouth.

Ever so quietly, you push the door open and let out a gasp.

Casey was unconscious on the floor and hovering over him is your beloved Don-Don.

"D-Donnie?" You croak.

"Why, hello, beautiful. I've been looking for you. I've missed you." Donnie smirks. His voice his deep, lustful. His eyes are pitch black, no trace of his natural and beautiful brown colored orbs.

You gulp, eyes darting between your unconscious brother, then back to your fiancé.

"Don-Don, please. You don't want this." You try and reason with him, to no avail.

"You're saying no, but my dear, I've never seen you so... wanting." Donnie says darkly, a sinister smile plastered on his lips.

You slowly back into a wall but soon realizing you're trapped. "Crap." You mumble.

Donnie uses this to his advantage and pushes you against the wall. "Now my dear, you will be mine." He smirks, placing hungry kissing among your neck while he reaches for your shirt hem.

(Time skip brought to you by: my shiny teeth and meee)

The next morning, you awoke to Casey screaming at Donnie downstairs. You sit up, realizing your abdomen ached, you clenched it and winced in pain. You shake it off and head downstairs.




"Guys? What's going on?" You interrupt.

Donnie immediately stops and rushes over to you.

"Dove, how are you? Are you hurt?"

"Um, my abdomen is sore but not really." You admit.

"God, I'm so stupid!" Donnie shouts, punching the wall behind him. "SHELL!"

You jump, staggering backwards. "D-Donnie, you're scaring me.."

Donnie immediately stops and looks at you, a rush of guilt consuming him as he notices tears in your eyes.

"Come here." The genius whispers.

You walk over to him and he immediately wraps you in a warm embrace. God, how you missed that.

"I'm so sorry, Dove. I love you so, so much." Donnie whispers, hurt and shame audible in his voice.

"I-I love you too." You whimper in his plastron.

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