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It had been a couple weeks since you found out you were pregnant. It's been a rough couple weeks, all the pregnancy symptoms were really kicking your ass.

You were laid out on the couch, a trash can beside you.

Donnie was constantly worried about you, fulfilling your every need.

"Y/N.." Donnie's voice calls, pulling you out of your thoughts.

You turn to see your fiancé looking at you, a slight frown decorating his face.

"You need to eat, Dove. The baby needs nutrition." He points out.

"Don, everything I eat just comes right back up." You say with a frown.

"Try some fruit. Everybody loves fruit." Donnie suggests.

You nod and Donnie sprints into the kitchen, grabbing a apple from the fridge and goes to chop it into slices.

A few minutes later, Donnie comes back with a bowl full of apple slices.

"Try this. I sliced it so it would be easier to eat."

You nod and grab a slice, looking at Donnie with a small smile then you bite into the apple.

"Mmm, it's good." You smile, gulping it down and grabbing another slice.

Donnie smiles and kisses your head. "That's my Dove."

Once you eat all the apples, Donnie stays by your side to make sure the apples stay down, which they do.

"Oh thank god." Donnie sighs in relief. "I was worried the baby wouldn't keep anything down."

"At least we know she likes apples." You rub your tummy with a smile.

Donnie looks at you, his 'eyebrow' raised a bit. "She? How do you the baby is a girl?"

You shrug. "Mother's intuition."

Donnie chuckles and goes to grab the bowl to take it in the kitchen but you stop him, grabbing his arm.

This causes him to stop and look at you, a questioning look on his face.

"Lay with me." You simply said.

Donnie nods and puts the bowl down, gently crawling beside you and lays back, you shifting around to be able to lay your head on his plastron.

"Don't throw up on me, please." He whispers playfully.

You giggle. "I'll try not to."

You both sigh in content and just lay on the couch for hours, talking until you fell asleep.

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