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Two weeks ago..

Donnie's POV

It's two weeks before Y/n's birthday and I have absolutely nothing planned! Ah, I know! I'll go talk to Casey!

I sigh and click on Casey's name on his T-Phone, dialing his number.

It rings three times, "Hello?"

"Casey, it's Donnie. I wanted to talk to you about Y/n's birthday-"

"Bad idea Don. She..." Casey sighs. "She hates her birthday."

"What? Why?" I ask, completely shocked. How could someone hate their birthday?

"She hasn't celebrated since our parents passed. Believe me, I've tried. She just doesn't like anything for her birthday."

"Casey, you don't understand. This is Y/n! We need to celebrate. Her birth is something to totally celebrate! She's..she's.." I said with a deep sigh. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me, Casey. She does so much for me, I wanna do something for her, too."

"Wow. Don, I didn't know you felt that way about her.." Casey said.

"I love her man. I want to do something."

"Okay. Tell ya what, meet me at the ice rink. We'll think of something. Deal?"

"Yeah! Meet you there in 20. Thanks Casey."

"No problem dude."


Authors POV

Donnie grabs his bo staff and T-Phone then heads to the ice rink.

"Hello? Casey?" Donnie calls out.

"Sup Don?" Casey replies, skating towards the teenager.

"So what were you thinking?" Donnie questioned.

"Hmm... Y/n likes romantic, classy things. Nothing cheesy. Maybe a romantic picnic?" Casey suggests.

Donnie nods. "That could work."

"One more thing. She's not huge on surprises." Casey adds.

"Don't worry, I have a perfect idea!" Donnie beams before disappearing.

Back at the lair...

"Hey Leo! Can you come to my lab?" Donnie shouts.

"Coming!" Leo shouts back, running into the lab. "What's up, Donnie?"

"I want to do something nice for Y/n for her birthday. And since you and her are close, I want you to tell me what you think." Donnie explained, pulling out a purple velvet box.

Leo's eyes widen. "Don-"

"It's a promise ring. Not an engagement ring. We're not getting married. At least, not yet." Donnie laughs nervously.

Leo signs in relief as Donnie opens the box. Leo stares in awe as he's greeted with a sparkling sterling silver band with a small amethyst heart in the middle.

"It's perfect, Donnie. She'll love it!" Leo grins.

"Awesome! Thanks bro." Donnie said, smiling at his older brother.

"Anytime, Donnie." Leo nods, walking back to the living area.

"You just wait, Y/n. This year, your birthday will be definitely something to remember." Donnie smiles to himself, closing the box and putting it away.

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