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Warning: this chapter will be long

October 25, 6:00am

Dear Diary,

Hey it's Y/n. Today's my first day back at school since I was mutated. I'm really nervous but April is coming at 7:00 to walk with me, along with my brother, Casey. I'm worried about how it will go. Well wish me luck! Donnie's calling!

With love,
Y/n Jones x

A knock is heard at your door, followed by a, "Y/n? It's Donnie, can I come in?"

"Yeah, come in!" You whisper, putting your diary under your pillow.

Donnie opens the door and comes in, closing the door behind him.

"Good morning princess." Your boyfriend smiles at you, walking over and kissing your head.

You smile. "Morning."

"Are you ready for school?" He asks, sitting beside you.

"Don, if you hadn't realized, I'm a giant talking turtle like you. I can't go to school like this!" You point out with a sigh.

"You're right.. Which I why I made this! My latest invention! The T-Ring!" He smiles triumphantly, to which you giggle.

"What does it do?"

Donnie smiles and slides it on your middle finger.

"Don-" You start, but are interrupted by the change in your hand.

You gasp. "Donnie! Look, 5 fingers!"

He chuckles.

"Donnie! It works! I can't believe this!" You smile wide and hug him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you!" You whisper.

"Anything for you, Y/n. I love you!" He smiles, showing his cute gap tooth.

"I love you too, Don. You're the best! Do you wanna walk with me to school?"

"I'm sorry Y/n but I can't. I have stuff to do in my lab." He frowns.

You frown a little. "It's okay, I understand. I already have April and Casey walking me."

"Sorry, honey. I'll be here waiting for you after school. Okay?" He smiles softly, pecking your lips.

"Yeah, sure. Okay." You nod, smiling.

He stands up. "Well I'll leave you to get dressed.."


"Hmm?" He turns to look at you.

"Please, stay." You walk over to him, hugging him.

"R-really? But you have to change!" He stutters.

"It's not like you'll see me naked! I just have to put on a new shirt and pants!" You giggle.

"O-oh okay. S-sure!" He chuckles nervously.

"Should I wear jeans, a skirt or a mini dress?" You ask, opening your closet.

"Well it is chilly so I would go with maybe leggings or jeans." He suggested.

"Good idea!" You smile and pull out a pair of black leggings with "I'm in love with a genius" shirt. Donnie sees your shirt and chuckles.

"Nice shirt." He smirks.

You giggle. "Thanks."

"So, s-s-should I? U-um..." Donnie stutters, shallowing hard.

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