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(This chapter is leaning more towards LeoxMikey but you and Donnie are still included.)

(Disclaimer: if you don't like Tcest, don't read. ANY AND ALL negativity regarding my writing or anything doing with my story will result in blocking and/or reporting. Thank you.)

"New year, new me." Yeah, right. During the new year, you'll be the same person you were in the past. Loving, energetic, caring, compassionate. All that's different is you're engaged to the love of your life. You're ready to face this new year head on. Bring it on, 2019.

You were in Donnie's room laying on his bed, writing in your diary.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door, followed by a faint whisper.

"Y/N, it's Leo. Can I talk to you?"

You stopped writing, hiding your diary under your pillow.

"Come in!" You called out.

Suddenly the door opens and Leo slowly emerges.

"What's up?" You ask.

"I need to tell you something." Leo whispers, closing the door behind him.

"Come sit down." You tell him, patting the spot beside you.

Leo nods and sits beside you.

"Where's Don?" Leo asked.

"He's on patrol with Raph." You told him.

"Oh alright." Leo nods.

"So what's up?" You look at Leo.

"I'm in love..." He whispers just loud enough for you to hear.

"Oh my god Leo! That's awesome! Who is it?" You ask, excited.

"That's the thing. It's..Mikey." Leo whispers.

"Oh." Was all you could say.


"Wanna know what I think? Love is love. Being in love is rare. If you're in love with him, you need to tell him. Even if he's your brother." You explain.

Leo sheds a tear but quickly wipes it away. "Thank you Y/N."

You smile warmly at him.

"Will you help me? Like call him in here and be my emotional support?" Leo asks shyly.

"Of course." You smile.

"Yo Mikey!" You call.

"What's up?" He calls back.

"Can you come to D's room for a sec?"

"Sure thing dudette! Be there in a second!"

"I'm so nervous." Leo says, pacing back and forth.

"Calm down. It'll be okay." You assure him.

Leo's thoughts are interrupted by Mikey's knocking.

"Y/N! It's Mikey!"

You giggle. "Come in!"

The door opens and Mikey emerges with a smile.

"So what did you need dudette?"

"Leo has something he wants to tell you." You tell him.

Mikey turns to Leo, who is clearly nervous.

"What's up, bro?" Mikey asks.

Leo gulps. "Mikey...uh.. I love you."

Mikey giggles.

"I love you too, silly! We're brothers!"

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