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Today's finally the big day! Your wedding!

You were in your bedroom, fresh out the shower when there was a knock on your door.

"Come in!" You shout.

The door opens and Raph's fiancée and Leo emerge.

"Can we help?" Leo asks.

"Sure! I actually was just about to call for you guys!"

"I can do your hair." Raph's fiancé offers.

"I'll do your makeup." Leo said with a smile.

A few hours later...

"Done!" Leo said.

"Me too." Raph's fiancé beamed.

"Let me see!" You chirp, turning to look in the mirror.

(This is your hair and makeup look)

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(This is your hair and makeup look)

You gasp. "I love it! Thanks you guys!"

Leo and Raph's fiancé smile.

"It's dress time. Leo, are you gonna stay or?"

"I'll leave. I need to get ready myself. Y/N, you look beautiful." Leo adds before leaving.

You smile and grab your dress, which is zipped in a cover.

You unzip it, causing Raph's fiancé to gasp.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful!" She beams.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful!" She beams

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You turn to Raph's fiancé. "I'm ready."

"Okay, let me text Raph." She said, pulling out her phone.

A few seconds later her phone dings.

"He's ready." She says.

You take a deep breath and you both head to the lab.

Casey is waiting on the couch.

"Hey, Case." You say, causing him to turn around.

Once he does, he gasps. "Y/N.. you look beautiful. Mom and dad would be so proud."

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