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Donnie has never really been the jealous type. But that all changed one day at school...

"I'm not kidding, Y/N! I really found the microchip with self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!"

"Wow. And from a military junkyard?"

"Yeah!" Donnie nods, his smile so wide you could see his adorable gap.

You giggle and open your locker, grabbing some books for your next class.

"So, have you started the wedding planning yet?" Your fiancé asked.

"I've picked a date but it's gonna be a surprise!" You muse.

Donnie whines. "That's not fair!"

"Donnie, it's my wedding too. Tell you what, I'll tell you later, okay?"

Donnie smiles again. "Terrific!"

You laugh, shutting your locker.

"Hey honey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Don't go anywhere." Donnie warms, walking to the Men's bathroom.

You pull out your phone and open Instagram, scrolling through your feed when someone bangs against your locker, causing you to jump.

"What's cooking, good looking?" A deep voice asked. You could almost feel his smirk.

"Get lost, jerk. I have a boyfriend." You snap.

"Where is he? I don't see him." The guy chuckled.

"He's in the bathroom." You mumble.

"Why would he leave a gorgeous girl like you all alone? Come with me, honey. I'll show you a good time." The guy demands.

"You're not exactly my type, jockoff. I'm into nerdy guys, like my boyfriend." You retort, pushing your glasses up and rolling your e/c eyes.

The guy laughs. "Your boyfriend's a nerd? That's so cute!"

"Last time I checked, this nerd can kick your sorry butt!" A voice roars. Donnie.

"Donnie!" You shriek, running up to him.

"Y/N. I need you to go to lunch with the others while I teach this guy a lesson about flirting with MY girl." Donnie grumbles.

You nod, kissing him quickly on the cheek then jog into the cafeteria to join the others.

A few moments later, Donnie walks over and sits down beside you like nothing happened.

You look at Donnie, quirking an eyebrow.

"I don't think that guy will be bothering you anymore, Dove." Donnie promises.

You bite your lip and lean closer to Donnie, whispering, "What did you do?"

He smirks and whispers back, "Lets just say I introduced him to my fist. Multiple times."

Your mouth forms an 'O' and you nod.

"It's good to know you're faithful to me, Y/N. I wouldn't want to lose you to anyone."

You giggle softly. "Don't worry, Don-Don. I'm not leaving you for anyone."

He sighs in relief.

"Unless Zac Efron calls."

"What was that?"


"No, no. Who's Zac Efron?" Donnie asks through gritted teeth.

You look at him, crack a smile then burst out laughing.

"Donnie, are you jealous?" You tease.

Donnie scoffs playfully. "Me? Of course not."

You get up, heading to the door before stopping in your tracks and saying,

"You should be, he's a total stud muffin. And his body, holy shell."

Donnie growls.

You crack a smile then turn on your heel and leave, laughing loudly as you exit.


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