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Continued from last chapter..

Donnie's eyes go wide and he faints, immediately falling to the ground, resulting in a loud thud.

Just then, everyone comes rushing into the lab.

"What happened?" Leo asks.

"He fainted after I told him we have to tell Splinter and Casey.."

"Tell me and Casey what?" Splinter asks, walking in with Casey beside him.

"That Donnie got Y/N pregnant!" Mikey blurts, resulting in Raph smacking him.

"Ow! Not cool dude!" Mikey whines.

Splinter closes his eyes and strokes his little beard. "Someone wake Donatello. Now."

"Allow me." Raph smirks, going to smack Donnie.

You grab his hand, glaring at him.

He gulps and backs away.

You sigh softly and gently shake Donnie.

He sits up and rubs his head with a groan. "What happened?"

"You fainted after I said we have to tell Casey and Splinter." You told him.

"Which now you don't have to do. They know, thanks to Mikey." Raph grumbles.

Mikey giggles sheepishly. "My bad."

"Donatello. Explain what happened, now." Splinter demanded.

"Hai, Sensei." Donnie gulps and explains how he got into our house during his mating season and ended up having his way with me then running his tests.

"This is most unfortunate, but I'm proud of you, my son."

"You what?" Donnie snaps his head to Splinter, shocked.

"I said I'm proud of you. Yes, the circumstances weren't desirable but the results are most welcome. I'm thrilled to meet my first and hopefully not last grandchild." Splinter said, eyeing the other turtles, who whistle nervously.

You and Donnie smile at Splinter.

"Thank you, Sensei." You say, bending down respectfully.

You notice your brother hasn't said a word, and you glance at him.

"Casey, you're awfully quiet." You piped up.

Casey said nothing but lunges at Donnie, punching and hitting him.

"CASEY!" You cry out and try to get him off Donnie but Mikey puts his hand in front of you, signaling to stop.

Raph and Leo eventually pull Casey off Donnie, Casey still thrashing in their arms.

Splinter gently presses his finger against Casey's neck, knocking him out cold.

"Donnie, are you okay?" Leo asks.

"Y-Yeah, I'll be f-fine." He groans in pain, being greeted by your small arms, wrapped around him.

He chuckles softly. "Dove, I'm okay. He didn't really hurt me that bad."

You huff. "I'm not convinced. I want you and me to go lay in your bed. With everything that went on today, we need some rest."

"Agreed." Leo nods.

"Yes, you and Donatello must rest." Splinter agreed.

"Then it's settled. Bed, now." You say sternly.

Donnie sighs. "Yes ma'am."

He gets up, you and him heading to his bedroom before Raph mumbles,

"He's so whipped."

Donnie grumbles in response but ignores him nonetheless.

Once you two reach his room, you both climb into his bed and cover yourselves up.

Donnie gently wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.

"We're really doing this, huh?"

"Yes, we are."

"You scared?" He asks, now looking at you.

You face him. "Terrified. You?"


"I know it's not how we planned, but, I'm really happy we're having a baby." You whisper, eyes droopy.

Donnie yawns. "M-me too.." He says softly.

You hum in content before kissing him on the forehead. "Goodnight, Donnie."

He smiles sleepily. "Sleep tight, Dove."

A tired smile tugs at your lips for a second then disappears as you both fall into a much deserved sleep.

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