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You and Donnie were on the couch watching tv.

You paused the tv and looked up at Donnie.

"I wanna have a gender reveal party."

Donnie smiles at you. "That sounds like a great idea. But what about my brothers? Casey? Sensei? They don't know yet."

You smile. "That's why it'll be a gender reveal party! We'll know but they won't! Not until we reveal it!"

Donnie chuckles but nods.

"I'm gonna call Raph's girlfriend and go shopping with her!" You beam.

"What about me?" Raph's girlfriend says, appearing from the kitchen.

"I need to talk to you! Come with me!" You say as Donnie helps you up from the couch.

You and Raph's girlfriend go to your room and you shut the door behind you.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Me and Donnie found out the gender of the baby and we want to throw a gender reveal party." You tell her with a smile.

"That's a great idea! What are you having?" She asks with a small smile.

You walk up to her and whisper in her ear, "We're having a baby girl."

She gasps. "That's amazing, Y/N! I'm so happy for y'all!" She smiles, hugging you softly.

"Thanks girl! So will you help?"

"Shell yeah!"

You both laugh.

"Okay so here's the plan.."

A few hours later..

You, Donnie and Raph's girlfriend are decorating the lair with blue and pink, when the others walk in.

"Umm.. Y/N? What's going on?" Leo asks, confused.

"We're doing Y/N's gender reveal party." Raph's girlfriend says, walking up to Raph and kissing his lips.

Raph grins. "Thank ya, short stuff."

"Okay so how does this work?" Splinter asks, emerging from the dojo.

"We decorate the lair with blue and pink, have some cake, then Donnie and I drop this white bath bomb into the bowl of water and it either turns blue or pink." You explain.

"Ooh, cake!" Mikey beams.

Leo chuckles and kisses his cheek.

You hang the last decoration. "All done! Now we can get started! Okay, who wants pizza? I ordered everyone's favorite!"

"PIZZA!" All 4 turtles shout.

(Time skip brought you by; "I'm an ultra recycle vegetarian. Ultra recycle whaty what? It means she doesn't eat anything with a face on it.")

"Alright! Time for the gender reveal! The moment of truth!" You announce.

Everyone gets up and moves to the door, you and Donnie stand in front of the bowl of water.

"Who's ready?" You ask, the bath bomb in hand.

"We are!" Everyone else says excitedly.

Donnie stands behind you, grabs your hand and you both drop the bath bomb into the water.

It fizzes for a minute then the water turns pink.

"It's a girl!" Leo shouts.

"I'm gonna have a niece!" Mikey yells, jumping up and down.

"If any guys hurt her, I'll beat their ass." Raph grumbles.

Casey nods. "I'm with you there, Raph."

Raph's girlfriend laughs and kisses Raph's cheek.

Splinter stands up and walks over to you and Donnie.

"Thank you both for giving me this gift. Not only do I get to be a grandfather, but I'm getting a granddaughter." He says with a smile.

You giggle. "You're welcome."

"She's gonna be so spoiled." You whisper to Donnie, who nods.

A few moments of silence occurs before Raph's girlfriend breaks it, saying,

"So when are we gonna have a baby?"

Raph chokes on his drink, coughing loudly.

Everyone laughs.

Donnie wraps his arms around your tummy and whispers,

"I love my girls."

You look up at him and smile. "We love you too."

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