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(Keep in mind, I started this chapter on Halloween but just finished this past weekend.)

(Y/c = your costume)

Two weeks ago...

"Y/n!" You hear your boyfriend, Don, call.

"Yeah, Don?" You call back.

"Can you come here?"

"Yeah! Coming!" You shout, going to his lab.

"What's up, Donnie?" You ask.

He chuckles nervously. "Can you help me choose a Halloween costume?"

You laugh. "Really? That's what you called me for?"

He pouts cutely. "Pleeeease?"

You sigh, defeated. "Okay. What are your choices?"

"Hmm.. I can't decide if I should go as a zombie wizard, Albert Einstein, or um, Smooth Donatello..." He chuckles softly, picturing the last costume in his head.

"Honestly? I like all your ideas but you decide." You smile.

"What are you going as?" Donnie asks.

"Y/c." You wink at him, before going back to watch tv with the others. (Personally, when I was writing this, I thought of Jessica Rabbit but that's me lol)

"Wait!- Aw man!" He groans in irritation, a puzzled look on his face.

He gets an idea. "Hey Raph! Can you come here for a second?"

He chuckles to himself after hearing his older brother groan in frustration before standing at Donnie's lab door.

"What's up, Don?" Raph asks, slightly irritated.

"Do you know anything about Y/c? Y/n said she was going to dress up as that for Halloween and since you know more girl stuff than any of us, could you help me out?" Donnie pleads.

Raph smirks. "What's in it for me?"

Donnie gulps. "Um, I'll clean your room.."

"Make it clean my room and make my bed for a week and you got a deal." Raph smiles sinisterly.

Donnie groans. "Fine! Just help me, please!"

"Okay. So you type Y/c on the computer." Raph tells Donnie.

Donnie starts typing. "Okay now what?"

"Click enter."

"Okay- EW WHAT THE SHELL?!" Donnie shrieks.

"What?! What is it?!" Leo screams, as him and Mikey run into his lab.

Raph snickers. "You forgot to type costume, genius."

Donnie giggles nervously. "Ohh heh.. I knew that!" He types costume to the end of his last search.

As soon as the pictures loaded, all the turtles were surrounding Donnie at his computer, pure shock on their faces.

"W-What is t-that?" Leo asks, covering Mikey's eyes.

"That my brother, is Y/n's halloween costume..." Raph replies.

Donnie is completely shocked, staring straight at the small screen.

"I think he's broken." Raph says, poking Donnie.

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