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"P-pregnant?" Leo repeats softly.

Donnie nods softly, his head still buried in his hands.

"Donnie, please for the love of pizza, tell us you didn't mate with Y/N." Leo frowns in disappointment.

"It never crossed my mind..." Donnie mumbles.

"Tell us it's not true Donnie!" Raph presses.

"Dude, what did you do?" Mikey says softly.

Donnie groans in frustration and snaps his head up. "I can't say that! Because...we did mate."

"Hamato Donatello, do you know what this means in the slightest?" Leo sighs in disappointment.

"Yes, Leo, I know what this means-"

Leo keeps rambling, not paying attention to Donnie. "Y/N will need all the support she can get, she'll probably get picked on in school for being a teen mom-"

"I KNOW LEO!" Donnie shouts, causing the others to jump back a bit.

Hearing Donnie scream, you get up and stumble into the living room.

You clear your throat and all the turtles focus their attention on you.

"Y/N, what are you doing up?" Donnie asks, getting up and walking over to you.

"I-I heard you yell and I-I was worried about y-you." You rasp.

"Aw, you don't need to worry about me, Dove. I'm just stressed out." Donnie says softly, faking a smile.

You stare at him intensely, crossing your arms. "Donatello."

Donnie gulps. "Y-yes?"

"Lab. Now." You demand, and drag him by his arm to his lab.

He shuts the doors behind him, sighing softly.

"Now, tell me what's going on." You cross your arms.

Donnie sighs again. "Y/N.. I ran some tests on you and I found out why you are in pain, tired and irritable. It seems you're pregnant.."

You freeze. Pregnant.

"Y/N?" Donnie calls, pulling you out of your thoughts.

You clear your throat, swallowing. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry, Y/N." He says with a frown.

"I'm not."

Donnie snaps his head to look at you. "You're not?"

You shake your hand. "No. Yes, it wasn't how we planned and the circumstances aren't the best, but I'm happy we're having a baby, Don Don." You say with a soft smile.

"Are you sure about this?"

You nod. "Absolutely. We're going to have a baby."

Donnie smiles softly, letting that sink in. "We're gonna have a baby." He repeats.

You smile. "I love you, Donnie."

"I love you too, Dove."

Just then, a terrifying thought crosses your mind, causing you to gulp.

Donnie notices your panic and looks at you.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

You look at him, slight terror in your eyes.

"What are we gonna tell Splinter and Casey?"

DUN, DUN, DUN. CLIFFHANGER!! MWAHAHA (Lol sorry not sorry)

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