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"Gotta..move.." You huff, running as fast as you could.

"Y/n... You can't hide from me.." A voice echoes, with a dark chuckle.

"I have to keep running! I can't let him get me!" You mentally tell yourself.

You keep running, breathing heavily as you come to a stop at a wall. Dead end.

"Shoot!" You mumble, running the other way.

"Y/n.." The voice cackled evilly.

"Leave me alone!" You shout, hoping to escape the figure following you.

You run and run, getting out of breath. You spot a abandoned warehouse and run inside, barricading the door with what ever you could find.

Sliding down the wall, you let out a breath of relief.

"I think I lost him." You mutter, mentally facepalming yourself as you noticed no one can hear you. Or so you thought...

"I'm right here." The voice whispers, causing you to jump.

"No, no, no!" You cry, moving the stuff you barricaded the door with.

"Ah, ah, ah." The voice taunts, grabbing you and pressing you against the wall.

"Please! Let me go!" You scream, trying to break free of the grip.

"Y/n..." The voice whispers and caresses your face, to which you flinch.

"Don't touch me." You hiss, spitting at the figure and causing them to growl.

"You little witch! Ah well, time the real fun!" The voice chuckles manically.

"No! Please! Who are you?!" You shout, causing them to snicker.

"Oh, sweetheart, you haven't figured it out? Tsk, and I thought you were supposed to be smart." The figure stepped a bit closer, showing pale green skin.

You stare at the figure, trying to put the pieces together.

It was when the figure stepped completely in your sight, causing you to gasp in horror.

It was Donnie. Your Donnie. His eyes were glowing and when he smiled, long, sharp fangs were visible.

"D-Donnie.. What happened to y-you?"

"Something great." He smirks.

You bite you lip and notice him now staring at your neck, licking his lips.

"No! Donnie, you can't!" You plead, tearing up.

He steps closer, grinning evilly. "Come on, just one bite.."

"...Just one bite?" You whisper, looking at him.

"Just one is all it takes."

"I trust you..." You whisper, taking his hand and placing it on your neck.

He smirks, licking his lips. "I wouldn't..."

"It's okay.. Just one bite." You say, letting out a shaky breath.

He kisses your ear before grazing his lips against your neck.

"Donnie.." You lose yourself, grasping your boyfriend's head, feeling sucks and kisses being planted on your neck.

"Just.. one bite." Donnie whispers, licking a certain spot on your neck.

"One..bite.." You repeat.

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