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Dear Diary,

             Today's the day. Graduation. I'm excited but also very nervous. This is what I've always been waiting for. I've worked really hard to get here. Time to go! Wish me luck xx

                                Future Mrs. Hamato.

"Y/n! Come on!"

"I'm coming!" You call back, making final adjustments to your outfit before making your way to the living room.

"Okay, I'm ready!" You announce, emerging from the bedrooms.

"You look absolutely beautiful!" Your fiancé states, a smile on his face.

"Thank you." You smile, placing a kiss on his lips.

A small yelp breaks the silence, causing you to turn and see your brother holding your daughter.

You smile and walk up to her. "Hi baby."

She giggles and blows bubbles.

"How does it feel to be graduating when you're a teen mom?" Raph asks.

"Raphael!" Raph's girlfriend scolds.

"It's okay. It's definitely different but in a good way. Me and Donnie love little Michiko."

Donnie smiles and kisses your head.

"Who's ready to graduate?" Mikey asks.

"We are!" Everyone else chirps.

"Then put your rings on and let's go!" Leo beams.

Everyone grabs a ring and slips it on, piling in the shellraiser.

A few minutes later Leo pulls into the school parking lot and you all hop out, heading to the gym.

Splinter is waiting in front of the gym with a smile.

"I'm so proud of all of you." He said.

You smile at him. "Thank you, Sensei."

You smile at your sleeping daughter in your arms.

"Do you want me to take her or do you want to keep her?" Splinter asks.

"I'll keep her, thanks Sensei." You smile.

"You're welcome child." He mused.

"Guys, go on in. I wanna talk to Sensei for a moment."

The others nod, and head into the gym to take their seats.

"What troubles you, child?"

You sniff and look up at him. "I just want to thank you. You're the closet thing I have to a father since my real father passed. I'm very grateful you accepted me as your sons partner."

He smiles warmly. "You are most welcome."

You smile and wipe your tears. "Alright, I'm ready."

Splinter nods. "Let us go."

You nod, both of you heading into the gym to your seats.

Splinter sits with the parents, watching from the bleachers.

You go find your sit beside your brother.

"Hey, Y/N." He says softly.

"Hey, Case." You whisper, bouncing Michiko up and down lightly.

"Y/N, I'm proud of you. You gave me the most beautiful niece." Casey whispers.

You smile softly. "She's my beautiful little girl."

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