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It had been almost a week since you had stopped contact with the turtles and April.

You couldn't believe what had happened. April? Kissing Donnie?! YOUR Donnie?! It was hard to process.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Your brother asked, leaning against the door.

"No!" You hissed, your voice raspy from crying.

Casey opens the door. "Aw, y/n.." He frowns when he sees the state you're in.

Your hair looks stringy, there's bags under your eyes, your eyes are red and puffy, and you're dressed in dark sweats.

"Y/n.. come here." Casey whispers, sitting beside you.

You slowly crawl over to your brother, climbing in his arms, sobbing.

"You loved him that much, huh?" Casey whispers.

You nodded weakly, sniffling.

"Y/n, look at me." Casey said sternly.

You sniff, looking up at your brother.

"You need to talk to April or Donnie. Find out what happened. Maybe there's more too what you saw. I mean, Donnie doesn't seem like that type of guy. He really loves you, y/n, I know it. He wouldn't do anything to puck it up."

You sniffle and whisper, "O-Okay.."

"If you decide to go back and talk to them, you should shower first. You reek!" Casey teases, holding his nose.

You punch him in the arm, getting up to shower.

"Ouch!" He complains, soon chuckling to himself. "I deserved that."

A while later...

You had just showered and put on a little makeup.

You had just picked out your outfit and started to get dressed.

(Your look;


(If you don't have long hair, sorry

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(If you don't have long hair, sorry. Pretend it's long.)



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Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smiled

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Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smiled.

You grabbed you phone and went downstairs, heading out to the manhole.

With the turtles..

"Man, April, what did you do?" Raph asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know! I'm sorry!! I was jealous of Y/n!" April cried.

Leo sighs and bends down in front of April. "April that was messed up. You know Donnie only loves Y/n. You had your chance, he's moved on."

"I know! I feel like a horrible person!" April sobs.

"Dudes, I just got a text from Y/n! She's in the sewers!" Mikey piped up.

Suddenly, Donnie's lab doors open and he emerges.

"Y/n's coming?!" Donnie repeats.

"Yeah, dude! She's on her way!" Mikey told him.

"April, you should leave. Y/n might not want to see you-" Leo started but you interrupted.

"No. April stays. We need to talk." You say, walking in the lair.

"Y/n! I can explain!" Donnie shouts.

"Donnie, you, me, April. Lab. Now." You demanded, heading to the lab.

April and Donnie follow you, Donnie shutting the door behind him.

"Start talking." You said, crossing your arms.

"It was all my fault, Y/n. Donnie had nothing to do with it! I was jealous of how happy y'all are so I tried to ruin it. I'm so sorry. I can assure you, I don't like Donnie in that way." April rambled.

You look at Donnie, who looks horrible. His beautiful russet eyes now had bags underneath them, he's skinnier then usual, he just looks.. awful.

"Is that true, Donnie?" You asked.

"Yes! I love you, Y/n, you. No one else. I swear by Darwin's beard that I'm telling the truth!" He pleaded.

You stare at them for a minute. "I believe y'all." You whisper.

"Y-You do?" Donnie asked.


"Can I hug you?" Donnie asks.

You nod.

He walks up to you, hugging you tightly.

"I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too Donnie." You replied, your face buried in his plastron.

April smiles and slowly opens the door, going back into the living room.

Leo saw her and piped up. "So? Did they make up?"

"You can say that." April laughs.

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