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(Two chapters in one day! Go me! 😄)

(A/N: I couldn't find a picture so oh well, use your imagination.)

Prom. The dance of the year. The time where girls freak about who they're going with, what they wear, etc. You want to go, but unfortunately, your fiancé wasn't into dances.

"Y/N? What are you looking at?" Casey asked you.

"Oh, just this flyer." You admit, staring at the bright sparkly paper.

Casey huffs and finally realizes what you're looking at, the flyer for prom.

You imagine if Donnie asks you then sigh because he's not really into that kinda stuff.

You exhale and turn to Casey. "Let's go to class."

He scans your face and notices you're hurt. "Are you okay?"

You shrug. "Eh, I just really wanna go to prom but Don isn't into that kinda stuff."

Casey sighs. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Maybe y'all can hang out alone instead?"

You shrug once more. "Yeah, I guess."

8 hours later...

You walk into the lair, going straight to the lab to see your fiancé working on a new invention.

You walk over to him, wrapping your arms around him with a smile on your face. "Hey, Don-Don."

He ceases his work and looks up at you with a smile. "Hey, Dove. How was your day?"

You shrug. "It was okay. I saw this on the bulletin-board today." You admit, handing him the flyer.

Donnie takes his goggles off and looks at the flyer. "Prom?"

You nod sheepishly. "Prom."

"That's awesome, Y/N!"

"Yeah. I really want to go but I know how you are." You sigh, looking down.

Donnie sighs sadly. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Maybe Casey or Leo can take you as friends?"

You sniffle. "I-it's fine.. I just w-won't go." You choke out in a sob, running out the lab and to Raph's room.

"Y/N, wait!" Donnie calls but he's too late. You're gone.

"R-Raph!" You cry, bursting into his room.

"Y/N? What's the matter?" Raph asks.

You sit on his bed, sobbing. "D-Donnie doesn't want to go to p-prom!"

Raph exhales and wraps you in a hug. "It's okay."

You sob in the red masked turtle's plastron.

He strokes your hair and rubs your back. (A/N: Aww Raphie ;-;)

He continues to hold you until you eventually fall asleep.

He gently lays you on his bed and quietly goes to find Donnie.

A few hours later..

You wake up to find yourself alone in Raph's room. With a sigh, you get up and wrap yourself in a blanket and go find Donnie.

"Don-Don?" You call out. No answer.

After a few minutes, you call out again. "Hello?"

You walk into you and Donnie's room to see a beautiful, sparkly purple dress laid flat on your bed.

You walk up to your bed and brush your finger along the fabric, smiling softly.

"Oh, there's a note." You whisper to yourself and read the note.

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