Izuku Midoriya x Reader

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(Authors Note=(a/n)) If you are new to reading fanfics here is what you need to know: (y/n)= your name, (h/c)=hair color, (e/c)=eye color,(f/c)=favorite color ;)

You were walking down the empty halls of U.A. High School. You were a new student looking for class 1-A, as Principal Nezu said. You frantically looked around, hoping to come across this so called 'Class 1-A'. You looked to your right and finally found it. The doors were huge, but then you remembered other people have quirks that can cause them to become such a height. You took a deep breath in and pushed open the door slowly. As you walked in, the class stared at you in shock. You walked up and stood beside the teacher, Aizawa. "Alright kids this is a new student that is going to be joining us. (Y/n) care to introduce yourself?" Aizawa said as he stared at you with his tired eyes. You looked at the floor and started blushing slightly, "H-Hi I'm (y/n). I h-hope we can all b-be friends.." You gulped as you slowly looked up. You could hear everyone whispering about and that just made you more nervous.

After sitting in your seat, class went on for who knows how long. Suddenly the bell rang for lunch and you started gathering up your stuff. You could see in the corner of your eyes, a little green head pop up next to you. You turned around and saw this small, fragile, and cute boy. " Hi! I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya! Nice to meet you (y/n)!" I looked at him and then quickly looked at the floor and quietly nodded. He looked at me and was looking so intently at my face, he soon had his face just inches away from mine. I started blushing a dark shade of red as he looked at me in confusion. As he realized how close our faces were he pulled away, blushing like crazy and fidgeting with his hands. "I-I'm sorry! I-I just w-wanted to g-get to know y-you..." he said looking away while rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "I-it's fine.." you said, looking up at him slightly. He was a blushing mess, muttering things to himself. You covered your mouth trying to hold in your laughter but soon let out some giggles. He looked up at you and blushed even harder if that was even physically possible. "Want to eat lunch with me?" you asked, playing with the fabric of your uniform. He looked at you in surprise and quickly nodded. You two went to the lunch room sharing giggles from time to time.

You had lunch with him and shared laughs together, soon becoming friends. As the bell rang, you and him got up and walked back to class. You kept laughing at his stupidly cute jokes and he would laugh at you always getting worked up over every little thing. Once you got to class, the both of you took your seats. Izuku kept staring at you after you sat down. "Damn" Izuku thought, "(y/n) is so cute, with the sun reflecting off of that beautiful (h/c) hair. And the (e/c) that stand out and ,most importantly, that contagious smile."

Time skip~ (cuz I'm lazy also you can just imagine what happened :P)

Soon you and Midoriya were best friends and you two were inseparable. Once the bell rang signaling lunch, you bolted up very quickly with hopes of gathering your stuff and heading out with Izuku for lunch like usual. You gathered your things and ran toward Izuku, jumping on his back and hugging him. You looked at him and smiled, getting off of his back and back down on the floor. "B-be careful (y/n)! I-I don't want t-to hurt y-you..." said Izuku, blushing a dark red, making his little freckles pop out. You laughed and nodded, walking to lunch with Izuku. In the middle of the empty hallway, he stopped you. "(Y-y/n)?" Izuku asked you. "Yes Izuku?" you asked with a worried look. "Can we go on the rooftop today?" He said, blushing even darker than a tomato itself.
"S-sure.." you responded, going up the stairs to the rooftop with him. You pushed the door open, walking out and breathing in the fresh air. You walked over to a bench and sat down, motioning for Izuku to do the same. He walked over to you and sat down next to you. "So, why did you want to come up here?" You said, looking into his beautiful green eyes. "I-I..uhh.." Izuku said, getting very flustered and nervous. "I-I need to t-tell you something.." Izuku Said, fidgeting and staring at the floor. He took a breath in and yelled "IREALLYLIKEYOU!!" You looked at him with a confused look. "What did he mean.." you thought. "I-I'm sorry I didn't hear you.." you said, leaning closer to him to hear better. He looked at you and sighed. He put his hand on your cheek and pulled you toward him. You felt his lips slowly find yours and he then filled the gap between you two.

Your eyes widened, surprised at his actions. You then slowly closed your eyes and started melting into the kiss, kissing him back. We then both pulled away, gasping for air. He looked at me in surprise. "I love you too, Izuku~" you said, nuzzling your face into his chest as he held you in a tight embrace. You felt safe and warm in his arms. You never wanted this moment to end, it felt like heaven. You wished to be with him forever and ever, with never ending love. After the embrace, he stood up, making you pout. "We should get going back to class, my dear." Izuku said as he winked at you and intertwined your hands together. You were the happiest person on Earth. You felt like you were flying, never to be seen by harm. You were happy that he had returned your feelings and you were happy that you got to know him in your lifetime. You were at peace.


Thanks for reading this first fanfic!! I honestly tried my best, hope you liked it!! If you want me to make a one-shot for you, just message me! <3~ (' ' ) Edit: I just forgot to mention that on the part when he is looking at Reader-Chan, I tried to make it gender neutral but it failed. Please don't mind that shit :)

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