All Might x Reader

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I disliked him. Everything about him. He's just so plain and everybody loves him, I don't know why. Everyone only talks about him.

  I too was a hero, but nobody paid attention to my hard work only because of him.

  I was walking down the hallway of UA, trying to find class 1-A. I am a new teacher, so the principal told me to go help All Might teach the kids.

  Ugh, All Might. Him. He is so generic, it's so annoying how much people hype him up. I personally don't know him, never even seen him in real life, but from what I see on TV, he is just so annoying and plain.

  I finally reached class 1-A and opened the door. As I walked in, I saw lots of kids start to shout "who is she?" to All Might, who was now standing next to me.

  "Kids, this is (Y/n), she is a hero and will now be helping me teach you guys." All Might said.

  The kids cheered as I just stood there waving with a warm smile on my face. Everyone seemed so happy to have another hero in their class so that's chill.

  We walked out to an arena where the kids would battle each other, with safety of course, and also find the true limits of their quirks.

  "All right kiddos, get started! I won't choose your partners for this, I feel like you guys should be comfortable with who you're battling." All Might spoke.

  The kids were still doing their stuff so that left me an All Might to have nothing to do. All Might walked over to me and started up conversation.

  "Hey (Y/n), I don't know much about you, mind if I ask you?" He asked.

  "Yeah sure." I replied, wanting to get this over with.

  "What made you become a hero?"

  "Well for starters I love helping people and the other reason is more personal." I said.

  When I was 11, my dad got taken away by a villain, he was also a hero. To this day I don't know if he is dead or was just kidnapped, and I hope to find out one day.

  "Oh I get it. That's so sweet of you! I too like to help people in need. It's the best feeling in the world to help someone, you feel like you're doing something that is actually going to affect the world. I know I'm the 'number one hero' but I need to applaud all hero's because they all work just as hard as I do, some maybe even more. The public just decided to choose me, which is fine but I feel like other hero's don't get recognized for their work. That's why, (Y/n), I thank you for all your hard work." All Might spouted.

  I looked at him in a state of shock. Is that what I think he just said? I feel so guilty now that I actually disliked him, he is so sweet.

  "I'm sorry, All Might." I said.

  "For what?" He responded, a bit worried as he put his hand on my shoulder.

  "I disliked you for so long, but it was all just jealousy. I wish to be you, All Might. You are just so perfect in every way how can I compete?" I blabbed.

  All Might looked shocked, I don't think he ever thought I would feel this way. He then started chuckling, which soon turned into laughter.

  "Oh (Y/n), you have something I don't."

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "Beauty, both inside and out."

  "But your also nice." I said, blushing a bit from what he said.

"Nice enough to take on a date this Friday at 7pm?" He asked smoothly.

Damn this boy smooth like skippy peanut butter(if u remember this comercial then I love you)

"Sure, pick me up at my place, we'll see where this goes. Here, my number, I'll send you my location later." I said.

All Might smiled widely and we exchanged numbers. I was happy to find that he wasn't that bad. Just my wild imagination. Now I get to see him on friday night, I'm excited!

"Don't be late!" I said to him and smiled.
Stan talent. Stan stray kids. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Do people even read this part of the post? I do but I might be just weird. Anyway, have an amazing day/night and also pls don't fite me I made this at 5 am so if there is any errors comment them and I will fix them! Thanks again, see you next time!

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