Tsuyu Asui x Non Binary! Reader

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i'm soooo sorry this didn't come out sooner @Vinniethepurplefox i got busy due to school and this week is testing so i'm crammed :/ hope you enjoy!
(Y/n)'s POV
I was walking down the halls of UA, my first day back from summer break. Over the break, i had just wondered who i was, for the longest time. But after trying new things, i found out that i prefer being non-binary. You see, non-binary is like when you don't necessarily identify as any gender, or if you identify as multiple at the same time. I feel more liberty like this ya know?

  As i walked into the classroom, the first person i saw was my girlfriend, Tsuyu Asui. Oh how i loved the girl and how she would find a way to make my day 100 times better.

"Hey Tsu! How was break? Did you have fun?" i asked.

"Yeah, just mostly spending time with family. How about you?" she responded with a smile.

"Didn't do much, just celebrated pride month." i said with a smile.
(A/n : look i don't know how breaks work in japan but from where i'm from you have june july and august off of school)

"I wish i could've gone with you, parents were making me clean the house." Asui said slightly sad.

"It's ok, we have next year!" i said and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  Soon everyone started coming into the classroom. Me and Asui decided to sit together for now, i mean why not?

  Bakuhoe came up to us and sat near us. I looked at him and then shrugged at Asui. I took her and and just held it for some time.

"What are you pieces of shits doing?" Bakugo asked.

"What do you mean ribbit?" Asui asked.

"That." he said as he pointed to our hands.

"That's none of your business bakuhoe." i said with a smirk.

"DONT YOU FUCKING CALL ME THAT YOU GAY FUCK!" he yelled into my face.

"Maybe if you educated yourself on people like us then we wouldn't be here." i replied.

"YOU WANT TO PICK A FIGHT WITH ME BITCH?" he yells as his palms start to spark.

  Right when i was about to respond, Aizawa stepped in and erased his quirk.

"She's right, Bakugo. You should have respect for people. It doesn't matter if their apart of the lgbtq+ community because they still have human rights." Aizawa lazily said to him.

  I nodded and made a mental note to thank him later for that.

"You see Bakugo, i am non-binary. Tsuyu like to identify as a female. We are both dating. Is that so wrong?" i explained.

"whAT THE FUCK IS NON-BINARY?" he asked, out of patience.

"Look, it's like when you don't maybe identify as anything in the norm or maybe anything at all, like maybe your a mix between male and female or maybe you identify as other genders, it's kind of complicated." (A/n : look i'm pretty sure this is what it is. i'm not gonna pretend i'm apart of the lgbtq+ community or anything but i do support it but still it's a bit hard writing this so please take that into consideration)

"Wow that's so cool!" Denki said.

  I just facepalmed as we finally got to the beginning of class.

  Class was over and lunch was up as i grabbed Asui by the hand and pulled her to the cafeteria.

  After that whole situation in class people have been bombarding me and Asui with questions.

"What's it like?"

"That sounds like fun. Can i try?"

"Do two people of the same gender still have ***?"

  I stared deeply into the grape boys eyes.

"Don't you ever come near me and Asui ever again you absolute PIECE OF SHIT YOU LITERALLY LOOK LIKE MY DOGS CRAP-"

  And so it went on, you running after Mineta and everyone else just laughing. Except for Tsu, she was just melting at how cute you were.
ok so um sorry if this didn't turn out how you wanted it to, so please correct my mistakes so i can make it better for you. thanks for reading! hope you enjoy~


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